Part 10

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Matthew watched (Y/N) from his spot on the couch with an amused look on his face. John and Arthur were due to arrive at her apartment any minute now, and she was rushing around like crazy; trying to figure out if she had everything she needed.

"We are only going for today, love," Matthew reminded her, the same expression from before still present.

"I know that," (Y/N) huffed, finally stopping for a second, "I just need to make sure that I've got everything that I'm bringing with me."

"What exactly are you bringing with you?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised.

(Y/N) stayed silent for a moment as she thought about his question. What was she bringing with her? They were only going to Sheffield, which was just a few hours drive. It's not like they were traveling to another country or anything. So after a few moments of thinking, she let out another exasperated huff. "I really don't know, Matthew," she said with a sigh as she hung her head. She then took a deep breath and let it out slowly, shaking her head in defeat. "What am I doing? Why did I think that this was a good idea?" she asked rhetorically as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Hey..." Matthew started off, a empathetic frown forming on his face as he stood from the couch to move over to her, "don't doubt yourself, love. You're going to be seeing your mum for the first time in a few months, of course you're going to be feeling a bit overwhelmed," he spoke in a soft voice as he reached out to run his hands up and down her arms comfortingly, "everything's going to be fine, yeah?" he then said, trying to keep a positive tone in his voice. He could only imagine the amount of different scenarios and 'what ifs' that were running through her mind at the moment.

"Yeah," (Y/N) responded, nodding her head multiple times, hoping that doing so would serve to get his words to stick in her mind. "Yeah, everything's going to be ok."

"Good," Matthew smiled at her, happy that she was calming down a little. "Now...have you got everything that you need?" he asked her, his voice soft so that he wouldn't send her into another panic.

"I think so, yeah," she nodded again, looking away from him for a moment so that she could see what had been laid out on the dining table, "I've got my purse, and everything's in that."

"Do you have the gift you're bringing your mum?" he checked with her.

"Yes, I do. It's in its special case, and that is in my purse as well," she confirmed, smiling as she thought about the beautiful necklace she'd picked out to give her mum.

"It seems like you're ready to go then," Matthew stated, his smile growing as he squeezed her arms slightly. A knock came on the door before anything else could be said. "And just in time too," he added with a slight chuckle.

"This is a good idea, right?" (Y/N) checked, her eyebrows raised as a hopeful gaze formed in her eyes.

"Yes," Matthew affirmed with a nod, "you're finally getting to see your mum again, and I can't wait to meet her," he told her, his words making her smile before he leaned in and kissed her lips softly. "Ready to go?" he checked once they pulled away.

"Yes," she affirmed, smiling as he finally dropped his hold on her arms and allowed her to grab her things. Matthew then went to the door to open it, greeting John and Arthur as they waited for (Y/N) to make sure she was ready. "Hi, John...hi, Arthur," she greeted the two men as she returned to Matthew's side.

"Hello, (Y/N)," Arthur said with a grin, "let's get you to Sheffield, yeah?" (Y/N) smiled at his statement, nodding her head before she walked with Matthew through the door of her apartment.

The group exited the building and got into their respective cars. Matthew helped (Y/N) into the passenger's seat of his car, which was parked in front of the car that John and Arthur were in. After making sure that everyone was ready, Matthew put his car into drive, and officially started the trip to Sheffield.

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