Part 7

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Author's note: italicized dialogue showcased later in the part is taken from the series.


There were many people moving about the derby grounds, but Tommy seemed to have an agenda in mind. (Y/N) barely got to take in her surroundings before he was extending his hand to her. She took it and he began leading her through the crowds of people to where his destination would be.

"Where are we going, Mr. Shelby?" she decided to ask him after they'd been maneuvering their way through the venue for a few minutes. Now they were out of the main sections and going through lesser used halls.

"We need to get into where Kimber is," he explained as he continued leading her to where he intended on going.

"And you've decided to take us the long way?" she questioned him, getting more and more confused by the second. Surely there was an easier way to get to the room he was looking for.

"Well, I prefer to come to the races the back way...keeps me out of trouble," he explained, letting go of her hand so that he could walk next to her. His left hand ghosted against her back as he continued to lead her where he was wanting to go. "Tracks are lawless places. I can't stand petty criminals," he continued before he led her down another hallway.

(Y/N) had to bite on her lip to stop herself from laughing at his final comment. She thought it was a bit rich of him to say that, given who he was and what he did. Then her mind went to her brothers, and she started to realize what he meant in saying that. His plans and methods, or at least what she'd seen him do, were way more advanced than what Clay or Garrett could dream of thinking up. That's probably why he'd got a second meeting with Kimber today.

"You're lucky you're with me..." he spoke up again as he led her down another hallway, "you'd be wasting your money on fixed races," he finished his statement by placing a cigarette between his lips.

"How do you fix a race?" (Y/N) couldn't help but ask, her curiosity getting the best of her. The Weller Boys dealt mostly with drugs, and only dabbled their hand in the gambling sphere with high stakes poker games that they'd run from time to time.

"How should I know?" Tommy responded with a question of his own. This time (Y/N) did snort slightly at his response. She knew for a fact that he had hands in the fixing of races...she'd heard Arthur ragging on him a handful of times for doing it.

This was yet another thing that separated Tommy from her brothers and their men back in Sheffield. If any of the Weller Boys had posed this question, they would have gone on and on about what they did, giving you every little detail; even if you didn't ask for it. Tommy seemed to know that there was a time and place for everything. A crowded hallway was not the time, nor place.

"Come on," he beckoned her when he noticed that she was no longer by his side. (Y/N) snapped out of her thoughts and continued on, falling back in step with him.

The two walked down a few more hallways before Tommy suddenly stopped. (Y/N) nearly ran into him but she managed to catch herself in time. "What's wrong?" she asked, confused by the sudden halting.

"If anyone asks who we are, you'll do the talking, ok? I don't have access to this room," he started, making (Y/N) send him a look that asked 'are you serious?'. Before she was able to say anything he continued, holding his hand up as he spoke, "but, but if you're the one to speak to the guard at the door, they won't bat an eye at us. I need you to tell them that you're a wife of one of the racehorse owners and you were at your seat until just now. I'm one of your servants if they ask about me, ok?" he gave her the rundown, telling her exactly what she needed to say. (Y/N) gave him a once over as he spoke. You're dressed too nice to be a servant, she thought to herself.

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