Part 14

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...I'm getting worried about his actions, (Y/N). Your father's usually able to level him out, but he's even been going against him now. I worry about what will happen next... These three sentences kept repeating through (Y/N)'s mind as she made her way to the Garrison. The letter from her mother was unexpected, and now the contents of it were making her stomach turn nonstop with worry.

The Garrison soon came into view, and she took a deep breath to try and steady herself so that she could focus on the job she'd have to do. Harry greeted her with a friendly smile and immediately put her onto tasks that needed to get finished. She was happy for this, because she wanted the happenings in Sheffield to be the furthest thing from her mind.

The day had gone surprisingly fast. (Y/N) was thankful that she was busy. She hadn't thought about the ending of her mother's letter since she'd arrived at the tavern. Her shift had a few more hours left to it, and she was trying to think of what to do afterwards to ensure that the letter's contents still stayed out of her thoughts. Maybe she'd go to Ada's.

"(Y/N), are you in here?" Tommy's hurried words came from the hallway that led to the stockroom, breaking (Y/N) from her planning and making her turn to face the door.

"Yeah, I am," she answered as his figure became visible in the doorway. She noticed his frantic temperament, and immediately became worried by it. "What's wrong?" she was almost afraid to ask.

"Good. I need you to leave," he told her, his words coming out as quick as his first statement did.

(Y/N) furrowed her brows at him. "What do you mean? My shift's not finished for another few hours," she pointed out.

Tommy stepped inside the room then, moving closer to her so that he could talk in a lower voice. "I have two men coming to meet me later. They're interested in some guns that I have in my possession. It'd be better if you'd just leave," he told her, his eyes wide as he explained what was happening.

"I..." she was unable to say anything else before he cut her off.

"Please, (Y/N)," he looked at her with serious eyes, "please don't fight me on this."

She looked at him for a moment, studying his face as she let his pleads sink in. "O...ok. Do you want me to leave now?" she asked hesitantly, the intensity he was exuding at the moment making her shrink into herself slightly.

"Yes," his answer was quick, and he was almost out the door the second he finished speaking. He stopped and turned back to her before leaving completely, "thank you," he added, a slight bit of relief present in his words now. (Y/N) smiled and nodded at him before he exited the stockroom and made his way down the hall.

She waited a few moments to exit the room, listening until the sound of his footsteps faded out, meaning that he was far enough away. There weren't many people in the main area of the bar as she walked through it to the doors. I guess I'm going to Ada's now, she thought to herself as she began walking down the street with that destination in mind.


"This is a surprise," Ada remarked when she opened the door to see (Y/N) standing on the other side of it, "what are you doing here in the middle of the day?" she asked, eyeing the woman standing across from her suspiciously.

"I can't just come and visit my friend?" (Y/N) answered with a question of her own. Ada's look still remained, which made (Y/N) sigh. "Don't worry...your brother hasn't sent me here or anything," she assured the other woman, which made her quizzical look dissipate.

The slightest smile formed on Ada's face as she opened the door wider for (Y/N) to enter the apartment. "Karl's sleeping at the moment," she informed her friend, motioning to the bassinet in the corner of the room.

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