10; surprises

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The pair left the plane at 2am, talking amongst themselves about what could possibly be in the book Deaton had hidden. As soon as they had cell service they texted both Scott and their parents that they had landed safe and just Scott of their discovery about the nemeton.

They took a cab back to Beacon Hills, taking their belongings to Thomas' house before hopping into the jeep and driving to Derek's loft building, calling him on the way to let him know they were on their way.

Thomas and Lydia were greeted by a smiling Derek, giving both of them firm hugs.

"How did it go?" Derek asked, looking from Lydia to Thomas.

Thomas found himself smiling, "jail for life. It's over, WCKED is finished." Derek mirrored the smile and motioned for them to follow him into the loft.

"Actually, we were about to go to the nemeton and could use your help. Scott must be asleep because he isn't answering my texts." Thomas explained, stopping Derek in his tracks.

"The nemeton? Why the nemeton?" He questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Thomas held the key up that he had shoved in his pocket. "The pattern on it- the roots of the nemeton. It's a safe place that only few know about. Where else could Deaton hide the important book he needed to protect? And my dad said he was mumbling about a book and a tree, what other tree could he be talking about? The nemeton. It has to be the answer. I'm just irritated it took me so long to put two and two together."

Derek pinched his lips together, nodding. "I'll drive."

Without another word the trio got into Derek's car and sped to the Beacon Hills Preserve.

They found the nemeton with little difficulty.

Derek led them into the cellar underneath, making sure the place was stable before letting them follow.

Immediately they got to work, looking behind planks of wood and in the smallest of holes for any clue as to where the book might be hiding. They found no doors or trunks, nothing but dusty floorboards and tree roots.

Thomas lifted the key to his face, taking in every little detail as if he hadn't a thousand times already. He flipped it, turned it upside down and even waved it around in the air.

"What the hell are you doing?" Derek's eyebrow was raised and his expression gave off that of an annoyed one.

"I don't know man, maybe it'll show me the way, maybe it'll start shaking when I get close, maybe it'll even light up! We're at a dead end, any lead— anything is better than nothing at this point." Thomas snarked, taking a step forward and continuing to wave it around in front of him.

Derek rolled his eyes and leaned his shoulder against a wooden panel on the wall, raising his watch to his face to see it had been over an hour already.

Lydia's head tilted slightly to the side. "Thomas, stop moving. Derek, do that again."

The pair looked at each other then back to Lydia with pure confusion written on their faces, but did what she said.

As soon as Derek leaned back again, they all three heard it— a slight creak and the wooden panel bowed as if there was an empty space behind it.

Like Thomas said, any lead is better than nothing.

Derek turned and pried the wooden panel off the wall within seconds, revealing a hole that held an old and worn out looking safe. It had dried moss and dirt covering it, with a ring of what Thomas assumed to be wolfsbane around the entirety of it.

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