13; one word: fuck

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Thomas' heart almost stopped at the sight of the figures standing in the doorway. He remembered both men pinning him to the locker that day. He stood from the couch, Derek's jacket embarrassingly big on him, but didn't dare move an inch away from the furniture as a glare settled on him from the doorway.

Derek began to run with every intention on grabbing a weapon but the taller of both men intervened, shoving him to the floor in a motion so fast it most definitely wasn't human.

They were two of the werewolves who jumped him and Kira at the school.

"That's Julius and my name is Lorin, we're just here to talk." The one who hadn't moved spoke in a British accent, his face wearing a horrific smile.

"Then talk fuck-face," Thomas snapped. He bit his tongue a moment later to keep from releasing anymore attitude that was bound to get him beat. It wasn't just his life on the line right now, Derek was here too— and completely human.

The man's grin somehow grew. "Say that again."

What. The. Fuck.

Thomas stayed quiet, biting his tongue hard enough to draw blood.

The tall man— Julius— stood above Derek with a foot on his chest to keep him on the ground. Derek struggled for a moment but finally grew still under the man's supernatural strength, accepting the fact that he couldn't overpower him no matter how hard he tried.

Lorin's stare was hard, pinned directly on Thomas. "You won't call me by your nickname again? What a shame. I'd hoped to have a reason to hurt you."

Thomas swallowed his remark, closing his fingers into fists, thankful for the patch of gauze that covered the previous marks so he couldn't deepen the cuts.

"Boring," Lorin sighed, rolling his eyes, and began talking. "The Alpha is getting impatient. And we've come to wonder, why hasn't the True Alpha come to defend his territory by now? And now I'm also curious as to how have you fallen so far, Hale? Surely you could tear him apart..."

Thomas tried to keep his stare and heart rate level, knowing he couldn't give anything away. He watched as Lorin walked around the loft, taking in every empty table, his gaze overlooking the book.

Derek let his normal glare settle over his features. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Thomas almost let out a relieved sigh at the man's ability to sound convincing until Lorin approached him, his eyes dark with glee. The breath caught in his throat.

The man was suddenly so close to Thomas that he could smell his breath. Beer and something metallic, almost like... Thomas felt his heart jump when he realized he was smelling blood.

Lorin let his smile grow again, evidently listening to his heart, his face terribly close to Thomas'. His movements swift, he grabbed one of Thomas' arms, yanking it behind his back and maneuvering around him, he kicked the back of both knees forward until Thomas was forced into a kneeling position. The man's claws came around to rest against his throat.

"Let me be perfectly clear. Answer my questions, Hale, or I'll have my way with this one." Lorin said with a growl.

Lydia. If you can hear me, get ahold of Chris. Two of the wolves are here, they're getting impatient. Don't tell Scott, he'll make the situation worse. Hurry. Please.

Thomas sent the thought out to Lydia's mind, hoping to god she wasn't sleeping. He swallowed, trying to hide how terrified he was. He was still healing from the previous beating he received, he really didn't need another one. His mouth opened to come up with a lie to get them to leave, but no noise came out as Lorin took his other hand and ran his fingers through Thomas' brown hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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