4; immersed

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"Thomas, you need to rest." Lydia resisted the urge to slap him, knowing it would make Thomas hurt even more. Although it was tempting.

He had pushed himself hard the last few days, bettering his body as fast as possible. He couldn't afford to be weak while their town was under threat. Thomas shook his head at the female, sweat dripping down his face. "I can't. Not until we get back inside."

The two were walking along the outside of the hospital, despite Lydia trying to convince him not to. The fresh air was a wonderful feeling for Thomas after being stuck inside a hospital for almost two whole weeks. His legs burned, groin and ribs hurt with every breath he took, but he pushed on. The last X-ray the doctors took showed he was about a week away from the ribs healing themselves. That was if he didn't get beat up again. Of course he would still hurt, but they wouldn't be broken anymore. He'd at least be able to return to school and stay caught up. Again, that was only if he didn't get beat up another time.

The pain in his groin area made him nervous. It still ached when he walked and he didn't like that one bit. If he lost the ability to have sex he would be royally pissed. He did not want to stay a virgin forever. The last few times he'd even gotten close had ended before anything actually happened.

Thomas found a bench and eased himself down, trying to keep his torso as straight as possible. He let out a light grunt, wiping his face of the sweat that continued to endlessly drip from the amount of effort he was putting in. Other than the small strolls around his hospital room, he hadn't walked at all since being admitted.

Lydia sat beside him, saying nothing about the fact that he was now resting. They sat in silence, watching people pass them by.

Thomas looked over at the officer his dad had placed with him that day. The man hovered a few feet away, following the two as they walked. He was sweating from the sun beating down on them. Thomas thanked god he wasn't the only one struggling. The man sat on a separate bench from the two, far enough that he wouldn't be able to hear them. Respectful of privacy- Thomas already liked the man.

"Their powers are just dormant, right?" Thomas asked suddenly, popping the bubble of silence around them. He took his eyes off the older man and watched the clouds roll by.

Lydia nodded, looking over at him. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked to be deep in thought. Her eyes examined him while he was distracted. She took in the way his jaw clenched before it relaxed, the moles on his face, his longer hair. She watched his eyes follow a specific cloud in the sky, almost losing herself as the sun turned his dark orbs into pools of honey.

"So I've been thinking. I haven't found anything in any books to help us. But there is something that crossed my mind..." He paused, finally looking at Lydia with a worried look on his face. She snapped her eyes to the ground when he faced her, focusing on her black flats. She willed the heat in her cheeks to fade. Thomas almost lost his train of thought when he realized she had been watching him.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked, rubbing a hand over it.

Lydia looked up at him again, a laugh escaping her lips. She shook her head, "no. I was pulling a Stiles Stilinski." A smile tugged at the sides of her mouth at his confused look. "You used to watch me. All the time. You thought I wasn't paying attention but most of the time I was."

It was Thomas' turn to be embarrassed. His cheeks burned a deep red, remembering how obsessed he was. He reached up and scratched the top of his head, "I'm sorry for all that. I was weird, I know."

She took his hand in hers and laid their entangled fingers on her lap. Her eyes met his and she smiled. "It was a little weird, but you don't have to apologize. I didn't mind it. You were always the one who paid attention. To how I felt. To the little things about me.  You listened to me when I needed someone. You were kind- even in my dumbest moments- and still are. That's more than anyone has ever done for me."

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