Chapter 43: "Arriving"

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It had been a nice day at the academy, villagers were eager to learn and shinobi to improve. Sakura was coming back to the Hospital to check on the staff before grabbing dinner when she saw a falcon across the sky going to the Hokage tower. It was Izuna's.

She immediately changed her course of direction and started to walk faster. It had been a few days since his last letter, and all he said was that they had left the toad dimension to go to continue to the Nara Camp.

"Hope Hikari did good. She hasn't written to me, I guess they are busy" she thought. She didn't feel bad though, she knew her friend. If there was something important she wouldn't write about it, she would tell her once she's back home.

The pinkette reached the building in no time and when she was aiming to door knob, the door suddenly opened showing a hurried Madara; he didn't hit her fully because she had good reflexes due to doors at the Hospital when strollers entered in full speed.

"OH! I'm sorry!" the Uchiha said completely surprised to see her "Please tell me I did not hit you" he started to examine her from head to top grabbing the arm that sounded that had hit the door. On his other hand he had a letter.

"I'm Fine Madara-san!" Sakura said a bit flustered, he never let go of her arm. He looked so cute and guilty. "I'm used to this, happens at the Hospital every time"

"Are you really fine?" he still had his hand around her wrist and was looking at it curious.

"Oh, yes!" she said "You have no idea the hits I used to receive from my master, this is just a tiny stroke" she added releasing her hand gently from his grasp. That's when he realized he had been holding her for some time.

"Hn, I'm sorry..." the shinobi started.

"Please, stop apologizing" She interrupted him and smiled at him gently "You seemed to be in a rush, don't you need to be somewhere?" she changed subject

"Well, I was, but now you're here" he stated, a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation. He had hit her, held her and over apologized... he felt he had made a fool of himself. Last days he had not spoken much with her due to the Academy and though awkwardness was gone it still felt odd.

"I was going to go find you at the Hospital" he smiled, tossing aside all his thoughts. It was all going on in his head.

"Hn... are you okay?" the kunoichi asked, she was very sensitive.

"W-why you ask?" he asked taken aback.

"You seem a bit off" Sakura said taking a step forward looking at him worried "I tell you I'm fine, and I hope you believe me." She smiled "It takes more than a door to take me down" she added bending up her arm and grabbing her bicep.

He felt nervous with her so close. "What the hell is going on with me" but he knew. That moment, when he said 'It's too early' he had awoken something. 'I like her, and it's early to like her. It's early to think about what the elders would say, and about a wife..." of course he wasn't thinking of marrying her, not now actually. But that issue was pressuring him. He needed to talk to Takato in private. He couldn't confide in Hashirama that would embarrass him. He wanted to repeat another dinner; he needed to spend some more time with her. She made him feel so at ease, whenever there wasn't an awkward moment like this of course.

"I know" he finally said sighing "I am a bit off you're right..." he saw her changing her smile for a frown while putting her arm down "But don't worry I'm handling it!" he assured her this time "Clan Issues, I need to talk to Takato"

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