Chapter 14: A Messenger's Task

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO! (I would love to though)

In the Hospital, Megumi was sitting in his father's bed, talking about fireballs and chakra. The man, who was called Ryuuichi, looked at her daughter with such a tenderness that would make the grumpiest person in the world smile, Sakura thought.

"Is it okay daddy?" the girl asked in joy "Can I train to be a kunno-Kunoichi? I will protect you and grandpa, and Ryujii will heal everybody!" She looked at his brother who was sitting next to the bed on a small chair.

"You know how she is, she won't hear a 'no' for an answer" the boy said to his dad. "She's too stubborn, like mom" and he smiled sadly.

"Hey cheer up son!" Ryuuichi said "It's good she inherited that, it's one of the best mementos of her that I've got" he added and caressed her daughter's cheek. "I know what you are thinking, and no. We couldn't have done anything for Satomi. But now if you study and train hard, you'll help other women to give birth." The man said proudly to his son "Megumi-chan is right, you'll heal everybody, and I have faith in you. You saved me". He put a hand on the boy's shoulder who had his head low in bad attempt to hide his tears.

Sakura and Hikari were on the other side of the room with Ryuutaro-san looking at the small family interacting.

"My daughter in law passed away giving birth to Megu-chan" he explained to them. "We weren't prepared in the medical field we didn't even got this small hospital. A trained doctor was on his way to the Village and his team was intercepted by a Hyuuga patrol. They didn't do anything to them but caused a delay on his trip, which was fatal. When he arrived, Satomi-chan... she..." The man couldn't continue, not that he had to say more. The girls felt really bad about the younglings, but that made them realize that most of the people there might have some sad background, it was a though era. "I would be honored if you could train my grandchildren. This world is too harsh for them, and they need to be prepared to face it"

"We're working on that, we hope this new Village Uchiha and Senju are creating will make a difference" the pinkette said.

"I know" The old man said "That's why I made a proposal to move our village there. I already sent a formal petition to both clans, for I don't know where the new settlement is" he added smiling and scratching the back of his head.

"That is excellent news!" Hikari said "I believe it would be a really beneficial alliance. Please keep us informed how things are going"

"Of course!" he answered "Oh my, look at the time! It's getting dark! I shall leave you both ladies to continue your labors"

"I will go back to the barrier before it gets pitch dark" the brunette said "so I can get to chat with the night guard. Goodbye Megumi-chan, tomorrow we'll start our training. Ryujii-kun and Ryuuichi –san" she bowed "See you tomorrow" With that Hikari left the hospital and went to brief the night guard.

"I need to continue the rotation to check on other patients" Sakura said. Ryujii stood up to go with her. "Ryujii-kun, please stay with your father for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we'll start the official training. Come here by 7 am." She smiled at the family. "If you need anything please contact me, have a good night everybody" Sakura greeted and the left the room.

It was pitch black once they could return to their room at the inn. They bathed and then went to the dining room where the innkeeper was waiting for them with dinner. Once they were done, they returned to the room to get some rest.

"This was an odd day" Hikari said while leaned on her bed. "Who would have thought we'll get disciples" she smiled looking to the ceiling.

"True, I felt really weird when Ryujii Kun called me Shishou" The pinkette answered from where she was sitting next to the room's window. It was a small room, but comfy. There were two twin beds on each side, a small desk with a chair next to the window, and a small in suite bathroom. It was pretty modern for the era, but then again the merchant villages tended to have all kind of modern stuff product of the trading economy.

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