Chapter 1: The Begining

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Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own Naruto


THe Namikaze Clan was a cursed one, there weren't any females newborns. Those few that were conceived used to die mysteriously. Also, they had some kind of prophecy about a female child who will inherit some great ancient power. That's why, when Kei Namikaze learned that he was having a daughter, he hid on Sunakagure with his wife, Reiko Takishima.

The Takishima Clan was a cursed one, they were kind of a branch of the Uchiha Clan. Takishima Uchiha was the head medic of the Uchiha Clan. He had a theory that the optic nerve's chakra coil damaged itself while using the sharingan due abuse of chakra, and that made the cornea and the crystalline degenerate and cause the blindness. He thought the inbreeding may have caused a genetic malformation and he wanted to experiment on his comrades to test his theory.

Of course the rest of Uchiha, thickheaded and greedy, didn't want his theory to be proved. It was better to control the clan respecting and fearing the Sharingan and the dream of the Mangekyo, than to have everybody using it safely. Takishima got kicked out from the Clan's camp by Madara Uchiha's father who fought him to death. He was thrown to the Nakano River supposedly killed.

A Boy with a gift found him on the river coast and healed his injuries. He asked this boy – who happened to be Hashirama Senju- to help heal his blind sharingan eyes. He told him that without them he was useless and also defenseless, he knew what had to be done but he didn't have any chakra left. Hashirama, as goodhearted as ever, decided to help and he mend the chakra coils and told him that he was right, there was a small degeneration that could be fixed with proper treatment. The Senju knew he was helping an enemy, but he sensed no threat in him, and no ill will. This man was different than the other Uchiha. Tobirama would beat the hell out of him, so he decided no to tell him, and asked Takishima to swear that they didn't meet.

Takishima was actually almost blind so he could see everything and tried to remember the procedure without the Senju Boy knowing, and parted ways with him. Later, the Uchiha patrolled the battlegrounds looking for almost dying clansmen and healed them. They felt anger to their Clan because they were left for dead, so they decided to start a new one without the Uchiha name or crest, they called themselves Takishima Clan and a red iris with one black pupil and three spikes was their new crest.

During Nidaime Hokage's reign, the Clan moved to Konohagure and shared the Uchiha Compound with their fellow ex clansmen, who were jealous that their dojutsu was perfect –it had evolved so the newborns didn't get blind. Takishima Clansmen didn't believe in inbreeding, because the mixed blood was the one that perfected their lineage.

During the Sandaime Hokage's reign, Kei Namikaze – Konoha's Yellow Flash brother – and Reiko Takishima –granddaughter of Takishima Uchiha- met and fell in love.

In Sunakagure they had a daughter, Hikari, whose last name was also Takishima so people wouldn't be suspicious of the Namikaze girl.

When the girl was three years old they felt something that was haunting them, so they went back to Konoha that was now ruled by the Yondaime Minato, Kei's brother. They lived there for a year until the day that Reiko and Kei left their daughter with her uncles , the day they escaped from Konoha, the day that all the Takishima Clan was massacred, the day of the attack of the Kyuubi, Yondaime and his wife Kushina died, Naruto was born, and Hikari awoke her Sharingan... and something else.

***Author's note***
Hello Everybody! I'm an avid FanFic reader that threw cautions to the wind and decided to write something. This Story will be mostly an OC couple and MadaSaku. Hikari is my OC so will be some others characters in the future. Her parents may be mentioned, but the only purpose is to give her a background also her clan's story is important only because she has the Sharingan but she's not an Uchiha (Spoiler alert: Sasuke kun will not like her haha)

As for Sakura, I pretend to write her as I think she really is, like her elder 'The Last' version or the Shinden Novels, more mature, powerful jonin kunoichi, and second Tsunade in healing and strength.
First chapters will set the roots of the story, then you'll figure out the rest!
IMPORTANT: English is not my first language, so please be kind and tell me if it doesn't understand a word i've written

First chapters will be kind of summaries with more information and some time skips, some of them will be developed during the story.

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