Chapter 30: "Relief"

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"Wake up you sleeping beauty!" a familiar voice called.

"Hn" Hikari grunted in discomfort, the sun rays were unbearable. She wiped her eyes with her hands and slowly opened them to see an also familiar face. She realized she was laying on the grass, she could fell the marvelous sent, so she sat up. She caressed the green herb and looked around her. "Konoha" she said and realized her voice sounded funny. Paying more attention to her surroundings and also herself, she immediately stood up as she realized she looked like a ten year old again.

"You seem surprised" the voice said "well, it surprised me too. I was waiting for you to be a 23 year old beauty instead of a child."

"I'm still 22" she said serious. Suddenly she felt her body had changed. It was her actual self, but she still was watching a 15 year old Shisui.

"That's better" the Uchiha smiled.

"W-what..." the Takishima tried to say.

"It was time for me to show up" he smirked sheepishly.

"I've been waiting to dream with you for almost ten years, you bastard!" Hikari scolded.

"Yeah, well..." he said looking to the side "It was not the time." He started to walk and she followed him. The scenery was very confusing, it was like a hologram, and depending how you saw it, it was old Konoha or future Konoha.

"I don't understand this" Hikari thought out loud.

"You really went far in history, you know" Shisui said cryptically and then added "We're actually on Limbo, so the time is not a constant"

"I DIED!?" she stopped on her tracks shouting. The teen cleared his ear with his pinky.

"Wow, your lungs are fine" he mocked "No, you didn't die, silly suicidal girl. You're just passed out, in a comma"

"Oh!" the brunette said lowering her face.

"Awesome Susanoo, by the way" Shisui grinned.

"How could you..." she asked surprised.

"I know everything" he said wisely. She deadpanned. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine" Hikari explained, "I'm not hurt at all"

"I mean how do YOU feel" The Uchiha raised an eyebrow. The girl's eyes widened.

"I-I..." she couldn't find the words "Trapped" he nodded in comprehension "I mean, I like being here. But I still feel we don't belong here. These are not our people" Shisui smiled sadly at that.

"You are the ones that make them 'your' people." He explained "Don't feel guilty, you won't be replacing us, you're just moving on" he added "If there was something else you could do, I'll get that you could feel bad, but there isn't. You can't go back."

"How do you know that?" she asked angry.

"Because you are meant to be here." He said serious. "You won't find complete happiness even if you could ever go back. Trust me" and then he added changing his demeanor in a way only he could do: "I told you I know everything" smiling again, he winked at her. She wasn't following but then a thought crossed her mind.

"I-Is Itachi-kun here?" Hikari asked. She needed to know. Shisui's expression fell a little.

"No he isn't" he said.

"Why?" she asked again.

"That I don't really know" The teen said.

"I thought you knew everything" she mocked of him.

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