Chapter 28: "About the Curse"

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"What are you waiting for?" The Hyuuga leader shouted at Madara and Hashirama "Kill me! Kill us!" his men looked at him worried.

"SHUT UP" Madara spat "We don't want to kill you" he crossed his arms. "How could you do this? How could you possible think to kill our children? Death will only be a gift for you" he said while his Sharingan started to spin "and I can show you worse than death" by now his Mangekyo was activated. Sakura was worried because she thought the Uchiha was being a slave of their curse of hatred, but something in her gut told her to wait.

"You have pretty little eyes like mine" the prisoner mocked "So what?"

"I don't think you'll call my eyes pretty when you come back from the Tsukuyomi" Madara said in a low dangerous voice. The white eyed man gulped hard and that made him smirk. "So you know what I am talking about. The three days of torture genjutsu, most people are not the same after being in caught in it, if they survive I mean"

"W-What do you want?" The Hyuuga asked scared. His fellow shinobi were beaten and some of them trembling. This time the Uchiha looked at Hashirama, who took a step forward in this man direction. His expression was severe and hurt.

"We want you to stop attacking us" The Senju said serious. "We want peace." Many of the presents including the prisoners, gasped. "Uchiha and Senju have been enemies for Kami knows how long, and we finally could find peace. Our goals were the same, to survive and keep our Clan alive, but in the meantime we lost our north. Now that we regained it we want to protect it, and we will. You don't mess with our Village, because we'll protect it with our lives."

"T-then why don't you kill us?" the prisoner asked confused and disgusted. "You don't know for sure if we'll stop attacking you even if we said so." The Senju sighed, next to him Madara was with his Mangekyo still on and Sakura was next to him al dirty because of the earth she had cracked. Tobirama was standing next to Izuna, watching the man menacely.

"We don't want war" Hashirama said simply. "We don't need it. We want to make this Village to grow, to be a place where fellow shinobi and civilians can cohabitate working together in peace. We never thought it would be possible for us to reach this dream" he pointed at Madara and himself "But fortunately we were given a chance by Kami" he looked at Sakura and the almost fainting Hikari further away. "And so, we're going to give you a chance"

The people were paying attention at the Senju's words, they were surprised by his statement, but the majority of whispers were of confusion or doubt.

"A chance?" the Hyuuga asked.

"You leave now and think of a possible truce and alliance" the future Hokage said. "But..."

"What?" the other asked immediately.

"If you ever attack our children again, we will kill you mercilessly" Hashirama said with a murderous look, his senjutusu activating slightly. Madara backed up him by taking a step next to him emanating some purple Susanoo like chakra, and Sakura cracked her knuckles loudly. "Of course that applies to the rest of the Village too"

"Hinoishi-sama" one of the Hyuuga clansmen whispered to his leader. "Please, think about this. They are giving us a chance" the other men also whispered their approval. The man seemed worried and something else Hashirama couldn't name yet. 'Maybe he feels dishonor' the Senju thought. The quiet conversation took some minutes more.

"ENOUGH!" Hinoishi said "You know that I can't accept that, we can't be your allies, nor join you"

"I'm not saying that you have to" Hashirama said "If you want that it's fine for us, but if you chose not to, we just want you to keep of our territory. You really can choose in this moment. Leave in peace to think if you want to join our cause, or not and you just keep distance from us. Or attack us and die" He smiled his cheerful well known smile, and it was completely creepy, Sakura thought. She heard the Hyuuga gulped again.

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