🏰End of fifth year🏰

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Hannah's pov: The end of my fifth year approached quick. I got out of bed at around seven and walked to the bathrooms. I turned on the hot water in the shower before getting in after disposing of my night clothes. Once I finished showering, I conjured up a pair of white heels, black dress pants with a white vest and black three quarter sleeve blazer. For jewelry I paired onyx earrings and a white diamond tennis bracelet. I left my hair down and walked back to the dorms. The rest of the girls were still asleep, Bianca being the only one awake. "You look good in literally anything, Hannah. I'm jealous that those dress pants look so good on you." Bianca said to me as she saw me. I giggled and thanked her before walking out of the dorms and to the common room.

My best friend soon joined me in the common room as we ate macarons and drank camomile tea, which was a great given to each house at the end of the year. When Estella, Maria and Antonetta finally got up, we walked to the Grand hall and met up with Fleur and Ethel. Madame Maxime soon entered the room as we stood up and sat down once she gave the signal. Since it was the end of the year, the hall was filled with students in casual clothes, or business casual in my case, mingling with their friends. On holidays at school, we weren't required to wear the uniforms, but we could if we wanted to.

Once breakfast finished, we were dismissed from the hall and we're allowed to explore the castle before departure to the carriage station in the French capital, Paris. I went to the ballroom and changed into a powder blue leotard with a white skirt and white figure skating skates. I changed the ballroom into an ice rink and started to skate around the rink, my friends standing near the edge of the rink. I started to skate, whilst my friends watched.

(0:15 - 04:52 is the skating routine Hannah does)

I could tell they were shocked at how well I could skate as I laughed lightly at their faces. I transfigured the ice rink back into the ballroom and transfigured my skates into pointe shoes. I got into a position after loosely tying up my hair into a bun.

After I finished the dance, I felt a presence behind me as I turned around. When I turned around I saw Ethel and Bianca looking at me as if to say "Let's do a trio" I nodded and asked "What style?" Even though I knew it would be hip hop. "Hip hop please" I laughed and transfigured our clothes into appropriate hip hop clothes before we started to dance. The dance was a contemporary hip hop trio which we all loved.

(0:15 - 02:43 is the trio Hannah, Bianca and Ethel do)
After our trio, it was time for our departure. I transfigured our clothes back into our former outfits we had on this morning before we walked to the front courtyard. Our luggage was already in the carriage as we sat down inside. Madame Maxime said to us "Now that the year has come to an end, let us congratulate our graduates as they set out on a magical journey, whether it be in the muggle world or in the Wizarding world. We shall see you next year, for now, I bid you all a happy summer holidays." We all waved to madame and the professors as the carriage rised into the air.

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