The start of fifth year

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Hannah's pov: My summer holidays eventually came to an end and I was soon due to go back to Beauxbatons. A few days ago, I got a letter from Mia, saying she's enjoying Hogwarts, but doesn't have any friends yet. The girls went back around six days ago so they could spend time with their families before going back to Beauxbatons. I got up at around eight, showered and did the things I needed to do before getting dressed.

Once I was dressed, I walked downstairs for breakfast. For breakfast, I had some pancakes, which mére made, and some fruit which consisted of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. When breakfast was over, I went back to my room, to see if I had everything packed and did some last minute packing. Once I was 100% sure I had everything packed, I got my suitcase downstairs, and went to the living room, where dad was, reading the local morning newspaper. I sat next to him and said "Good morning dad" He greeted me back before going back to reading the newspaper. Mere had gone out but would be coming back in an hour or so. I got my sketchpad out and started to sketch something which eventually turned into a unicorn with flowers and armor on, along with a locket and wood nymph.

 I got my sketchpad out and started to sketch something which eventually turned into a unicorn with flowers and armor on, along with a locket and wood nymph

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Mére soon got back and we used the floo network to get to the carriage station. Once we were at the station, we looked around to see if there was a familiar face in the crowd and I spotted Aries talking to Bianca, Estella, Maria and Antonetta. I walked over to the girls and Aries, who was the first to spot me. He paused his conversation and came up to me, giving me a hug, although I could see how much he wanted to kiss me. "Hello aimer" he whispered to me and I responded with a "Hello Aries" We separated from the hug, but he kept his hand resting on my waist as we walked up to the girls. Bianca saw me and quite literally sprinted towards me, if not for Aries holding my waist, I'd have been on the floor from the impact. Once Bianca was finished hugging the life out of me, the rest of the girls gave me light hugs.

We soon had to be on the carriage so I said goodbye to mére and dad, along with Regulus before boarding the carriage. I'd already said goodbye to Aries, seeing as he would only be going back to Bulgaria(The country where Durmstrang is) in a week's time. We searched for a room in the carriage, eventually finding one. There were two girls in the carriage, one we recognized as Ethel Richmond who was now a second year but the other girl we didn't notice. I knocked on the open door asking "Could we come in? The rest of the rooms are full" Ethel nodded and we went inside the room. The girl who was sitting with us, introduced herself as Fleur Delacour, a fourth year Ombrelune student. We all became friends with Fleur even if she was a year younger or two years older than us.

The carriage soon neared the countryside and when then changed into our uniforms. I tied up my hair in a half-up style with a blue ribbon around. The rest of the girls did either low ponytails with a ribbon securing it or did a half-up like me. When the carriage landed I whispered to Ethel, Bianca, Estella, Maria, Antonetta and Fleur "Bienvenue chez vous ladies" They all giggled as I lead them to the Grand hall, with a few first year students following us. Once we got to the Grand hall, I told the first years to wait for Madame Maxime to start the sorting ceremony.

Madame Maxime started calling out names as one by one the first years would go up to the bow and quiver of arrows, take an arrow before shooting the arrow, which would explode into the colours of green, purple and blue. Once the sorting ceremony was finished Madame Maxime started her welcome back speech "Bonsoir les étudiants. C'est vraiment merveilleux de vous revoir tous et d'accueillir les premières années. Cette année, les préfets des maisons sont Hannahbelle Granger et Simone Archambault pour Maison Pappilonlisse, Diana Denumont et Nathaniel Moreau pour Mansion Bellefeuille, Isabelle Chevalier et William Lemaire pour Mansion Ombrelune." The houses of Beauxbatons clapped politely for their new prefects as we walked up to retrieve our prefect badges. I was congratulated by my house and my friends before Madame Maxime said "Now let us dine in our dinner and catch up with friends." Madame sat down and we all sat down afterwards. Simone and I lead the first years to our common room where we usually hang out. "Now, as you can see, Simone and I have divided you into groups of ladies and gentlemen, the gentlemen please follow Simone Archambault to your dorms, ladies follow me to your dorms please." I lead the girls upstairs before opening one of the many doors, inside which was a bedroom. The girls were in awe of the bedroom's beauty.

"Each year, is allowed to change the room's colour if they like, but the designs stay the same, now for the bathrooms. You are allowed to use the same bathrooms if you wish but please no funny business in the washrooms, it's disgusting... " I said shivering as I remember the time I caught two of the older girls snogging heatedly in the bathroom. I took the first year girls to the bathrooms and said "Like the bedroom's, you are allowed to change the colour if you want, but the designs stay the same." They were in awe of how spacious the room was. I giggled as they couldn't tear their eyes away from the designs but full-on laughed as one of the girls stepped inside the shower as her friend waved her hand and water came pouring out of the spout.

I pulled the wet girl out as I muttered a drying charm under my breath. Once she was dry I took them back to the common room where I said "The house of Léonie Pappilonlisse values maturity, artistic abilities, kindness and idealistic-ness. Our house symbol is a papillon alighting on a leaf, but you only see the pappillon. After a while of being in this house, you tend to develop a hopeless romantic aura and day dream quite often. Trust me, I room with a person who does both. Most people would view our house as weak, but none of us are weak. We are just emotional people, with a strong dedication of finishing the job and even though we may not learn to value knowledge, we learn to be there for others in times of need. Whilst you're here at Beauxbatons, your house is like a second family to you." Everyone in the room started to clap as I took a curtsy. After a while we all went to our rooms. It was hard for me to believe that I am prefect and am now a fifth year student. Time sure does fly by, feels like a million years ago I was a first year now I'm a fifth year prefect.

I started to write a letter to Leo and here's what it said "Dearest Leo, hope you are keeping well. Earlier today Madame Maxime announced the prefects and I just happened to be one of them. Beauxbatons doesn't feel the same without you but, I'm coping. Least I've still got Bianca. Hermione's doing well, she was sorted into Gryffindor but hasn't made any friends yet other than Alexandre Dubious, the boy from the Summer Ball. It feels for me like a million years ago, I was just an innocent little first year, now I'm a prefect. Hope this letter finds you well, I miss you and can't wait to see you again. Give Regulus my regards. Toujours l'amour, votre petite amie Hannahbelle Mariella Granger."

After I sent the letter via fire message, I changed into my pjs and got into bed. Soon after I got into bed, I was met with darkness and the land of dreams...

Bonsoir les étudiants. C'est vraiment merveilleux de vous revoir tous et d'accueillir les premières années. - Hello students. It is truly wonderful to see you all again and to welcome the first years.(French)
Aimer - love(French)
pappillon - butterfly(French)
Toujours l'amour, votre petite aime - Love always, your girlfriend(French)

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, please vote and comment what you think of it in the comments section. Love always, yours truly Amber Wolf

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