Chapter 30

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I was in so much shock after Tem got shot. Holding him in my arms when he lost consciousness was the worst nightmare. I had to stay calm and tried to come to terms with the truth of what I had to face. The moment I sat at in the ICU made me realize how stupid I was and what trouble I stupidly got us all into. I wish I could reverse everything but that is not possible. My heart was so saddened and everything kept eating me up.

It's already been 24 hours since Tem was out of surgery. Had we been a second late to the hospital, we would have lost him as he was shot in a delicate part. The doctor says it will take sometime for him to wake up but did not tell us exactly when. I brought my hand up to hold his, caressing it as I kept staring at him with tears welled up in my eyes. Time sat in the couch with his face in his palms and wouldn't look up. I know he is going through so much pain as well. He tried his best to be strong and not breakdown like I did. I bet he wanted one of us to at least stay strong.

I heard a strong sigh and I turned my head in Time's direction. "Can I talk to you for bit?" He asked already getting up from his seat. "I nodded and took a glance at Tem before following him out of the room.

Finally out, he looked at me intently, with his hands in his pockets. "Am sure you know what am about to say Tay, and am sorry but I can't help it. Why did you do that? Didn't you know what you did was so reckless? How could you think of going willingly with them when you had a choice to call for help? What if you got hurt? They almost did something nasty to you and now Tem is also hurt. What if it got worse?" He kept throwing questions at me and I honestly didn't know how to answer him. He run his hand roughly through his hair. I knew he was frustrated by what happened.

I was silent for a long time before speaking. "I know what I did was stupid but I thought I could handle it by myself. They threatened me with Tem but I could have also called for help but decided to go with them. I wanted to end everything myself. I knew I had the tracker on me and also the message I sent to the chief guard of my father but unfortunately they did not receive it." I say, not looking at him.

"I got a call from your father. He suspected something was wrong as your location was out of the city and he couldn't reach you no matter how much he tried. I was already on my way then and had his bodyguards stay back as I could handle the situation." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Am very sorry I messed up and for getting Tem injured as well."

"It's good enough you feel bad and so I wouldn't make you feel worse than you are now. Sorry if I crossed the line." He says with concerned eyes.

"Go back inside, I'll go get you some food." He mumbled and begin to walk away. I looked at his disappearing figure and my heart sank. He is acting strong on the outside but deep down I knew him too well. I sighed and went back inside.

I sat back in my seat close to the bed and brought my hand to caress his face. "Can you please wake up? I need to apologise to you alright? I'm feeling so guilty for what happened to you." I sniffed as tears were falling. "You shouldn't have gone there Tem. Am I that important to you? Why walk into danger because of me. Are you an idiot? I am so worried so please wake up already." I spoke to him but there was no response from him.

I lay my head on his side, my tears wetting the bed but I didn't care. I only wanted him to wake up. I stayed this way for a while and had no idea when I drifted off.

"Tay! Tay, get up and eat your meal." I heard Time's voice say and my eyes immediately shot open.

He had already set the food on the table and beckoned me over to sit. "Have you eaten anything yourself?" I asked as I kept poking my food.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 [𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐘𝐓𝐄𝐌]Where stories live. Discover now