1 - What If...

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The ending of season 3 was different.

The wildcats had finally done it. The musical was a big hit, everyone loved the musical that Corbin Bleu told Channing that he was done working with him. Miss Jenn was so proud of her wildcats that she left them to go finish up changing out of their costumes. As everyone was talking and excited heading to the back rooms they saw a familiar face, "Nini!" Some screamed running towards her "ahh oh my god, miss famous girl" Carlos says "stop Carlos" Nini says as she hugs him "Nini" Ashlyn says hugging her "hi Ash, you did so amazing, even if you were the ensemble but no one couldn't beat you as Belle" Nini says as Ashlyn started tearing up "hey Nini" Maddox says "oh my god, Maddox it's been a while" Nini says as they hug "it has been a while" Maddox says "how's Madison you guys still..." Nini asks "no, I mean I saw her but I think I know what I want" Maddox says "that's good I hope you do" Nini says "hey Ej" Nini says "hi Nini" as they hug "you look so different, Ej. You grew out your hair" Nini says as they laugh "yeah thanks you still the same nervous British girl" Ej says as they laugh "ahh Nini" Gina says going up to her "G, amazing as Anna. You deserved the lead roll and shined today" Nini "aww stop" Gina says "hey how's it going with Ej" Nini says "oh umm... we broke up" Gina says a little hurt "oh my god, Gina I'm so sorry I should've not mentioned him" Nini says "no it's okay just pushing through but it's hard my first break up" Gina says "yeah I get it. Hey whatever Ej did he's sorry I know Ej. He tries to be there for you and always makes sure to be there. If Ej is not the guy, I already told you once any guy would be lucky to have you" Nini says as Gina smiles and hugs one more time. As they both were hugging Nini sees the one person that has been through so much together, her childhood Bestfriend, her old crush. As everyone notices the tension between the former couple, everyone scatters to finish up. "Nini" Ricky says "happy birthday Richard" Nini says as they both laugh "it's nice to see you again" Ricky says "you too. You're finally 18 and Kourtney has told me how you were able to finish your bucket list. I can't believe you actually ate three pizzas" Nini says "hey come on you helped me planned it" Ricky says as they laugh "actually aren't you missing one" Nini says "yeah, play a lottery ticket as I turn 18" Ricky says as Nini grabs her card out of her pocket "happy birthday" as she gives him the card and Ricky opens it revealing the lottery ticky "you remembered " Ricky says "always. How could I ever forget my Bestfriends birthday" Nini says as Ricky goes up to her and hug her "I know we are not together, but I love you" Ricky says "I love you too Ricky" Nini says as they separate the hug with Nini tearing up a bit "so would we still see you at East High" Ashlyn says as everyone was behind them "actually imma be moving here in LA to make more music and go to school here" Nini says as everyone starts having sad faces "does this mean goodbye" Carlos says "no of course not, Carlos. You guys are my family. Think this as a see ya" Nini says as everyone huddles in a group hug "what team" "wildcats" "What Team" "Wildcats" "WHAT TEAM" "WILDCATS" "WILDCATS" "GETCHA HEAD IN THE GAME" everyone screams as some had tears "I should go now. Don't want to run in traffic" Nini says "bye neeners" Kourtney says hugging her Best Friend "Kourt I said this is not a goodbye" Nini says laughing "I know I'm sorry it's just imma miss you" "me too" as they hug "keep in touch, all of you" Nini says as she walks away stopping to look behind seeing her family "love you guys" Nini says "we love you too" everyone screams as Miss Jenn enters "wildcats I was told from your parents that they are waiting for you guys for pictures" Miss Jenn says "hey Miss Jenn can I talk to you" Nini says "of course" as the two leave with again everyone getting rid of makeup and out of costumes. "Yes, my dear" Miss Jenn says "I wanted to tell you that I would be moving here instead of going back to Salt lake. It was hard to make a decision but I came to my senses and I'm happy here and this is not a goodbye but I wanted to tell you thank you for everything, for you believing me and everything. But now instead of heading East it's now for me to head West" Nini says "Nini, I get it that's your decision but I'm proud of you for how far you've gone. Please come visit Utah and stay in touch" Miss Jenn "always Miss Jenn, no one can compare you. Thank you. The start of something new" Nini says as they hug. As they finish, Nini leaves the barn heading to her car and driving out of the camp parking lot. Everyone was taking pictures with their parents celebrating as Ej and Ashlyn were with her parents "we are so proud of you both, especially you Ej. You did so amazing directing the show it turned out amazing just how you were able to do it" Ej's aunt says "thank you, aunt Debbie" Ej says as he hugs her "hey Eej" someone says as Ej separates from the hug "dad?" Ej says "you're you're actually here" Ej says stunned "of course I wanted to see how my son did directing the entire show by himself. Turns out it was actually amazing Eej, you guys even started trending all the way to Brazil" his dad says as Ej was nervous until his dad grabs his shoulders "I wanted to say this in person, Eej but I'm proud of you" his dad says as Ej's eyes are open wide "you are? You're actually proud" Ej says "I am Ej and tell you what I'm giving you the choice, you could stay at Salt Lake and take a gap year or if you change your mind, you go to the school" his dad says "are you serious" Ej says "yes Ej I'm proud" his dad says as he hugs Ej which surprised Ej until he finally wrapped his arms around him "thank you dad" Ej says in the hug "of course Eej. I love you son" "I love you too dad" Ej says as they separate for Ej to hug Ashlyn "Ashlyn imma be able to stay" Ej says "yes Ej I can't believe I didn't want to see you go yet" Ashlyn says as Ej laughs "oh come" ej says as he rolls his eyes "hey it's true alright" "okay okay" Ej says putting his arms up to defend himself "hey maybe there's a chance with you know" Ashlyn says as Ej gets the message "oh umm... right I uhh I don't know it's hard" Ej says "Ej, I never seen you look at someone that way you look at her not even when it was Nini. Just tell her how sorry you are and how much you feel" Ashlyn says as Ej sighs "ok I'll go. Where is she" Ej asks "I think she went to the cabin to get something" Ashlyn says as Ej walks out of the barn and runs towards the girls cabin. Gina was finishing up the restroom as she heard a knock at the door. She opens it up seeing the person she was trying not avoid and forget "hey... umm can we talk" Ej says as Gina didn't say anything as she left the door open for him to enter as she walks towards her bed folding some blankets with her back towards Ej. There was still some awkward silence as Ej just stood there looking around but times would stare at Gina "I just wanted to tell you how amazing you were G. You were a star like you always were, you know finally having the lead role like how we planned last year in the fall" Ej mentions as he hears Gina giggle a bit remembering the moment both scheming together to get the lead roles "look G i'm sorry that I was so busy with the show and everything that we hardly had time to spend together. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about the letter when I should've just told you as soon as I got it but I was scared of what you were gonna say that you would believe that I was gonna leave. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to win with you during color war when we made up and not being there for your basketball triumph. I'm sorry that I just didn't say yes to your promposal and I have kicked myself for not just saying yes and just following a camp rule. And I'm sorry that I didn't dance with you or even had a chance to dance with you during the camp prom for me being too busy with the show. And I know that this would be a stupid excuse but I did the show for you to be a star out there, to show what you guys were capable of, to prove to my dad what I can do so I could change his mind to not sending me away and I was luckily able to change his mind. My dad gave me a choice that if I wanted to go or if I wanted to stay, I haven't said anything because I wanted to tell you first that imma just say it, I love you Gina Porter"  as soon as Ej said that Gina turns to finally look at him as they locked eyes as Ej continues walking slowly towards her "I have love you ever since I saw you and Ricky together when we saved Miss Jenn, I have loved you when I brought you back to East High to be part of the show, I love you that you always saw the good in me even if I did something wrong, I love how much you love to perform, dance and sing, I love you of how much I ask you how you felt during Carlos party that you hardly get ask that question, the night went my dad told me about Duke as we had that moment that I just wanted to kiss you right there, especially how much of a dumb self I am of canceling our date but finally being your first kiss and I want it to keep going, and I promise I will always make sure to have time for you even if I'm stress out or busy because I love how much we've been through and I don't want it to stop. I've never seen you as a maybe, you were always a yes to me and I hope you don't think I'm a maybe too cause I want a chance to prove it" Ej says out of breath as Ej grabs her hands but then caressed her cheek "if you tell me that you love me, I would run out that door and tell my dad I would stay for us to finally be together just as we planned, being next door neighbors and no matter what happens I would always be beside you no matter what happens" Ej says as Gina looks at him with teary eyes "Ej I-" Gina tries to say until Ashlyn comes in the cabin "Ej your dad and my parents want a picture before they go. Hurry up" Ashlyn says as she leaves the cabin as Ej looks back at Gina "I have to go, but think about it, if you made your choice, I'll be at the barn" Ej says as he  kisses Gina on the cheek and leaves, releasing their hands, as he left a stunned Gina. She sits on the swing and just process of what happened, she couldn't believe it for the first time someone actually loves her in that way, after everything they both been through the whole summer she doesn't know what to do. Another knock is at door which could probably be Ej again as Gina opens the door it was someone she didn't expect "Ricky" Gina says "hey. Can I come in" Ricky asks "yeah" Gina says as Gina moves out of the way for Ricky to enter and closes the door finishing what she was doing before Ej came in "hey you good" Ricky asks "huh oh yeah umm I'm good. Just processing for the first time being a lead" Gina says as Ricky laughs "yeah I'm used to it already" "so what brings you in" Gina says "oh uhh I just wanted to say how amazing you did tonight, beyond Gina you deserve it" Ricky says "thank you Ricky" "I also wanted to tell you this" Ricky says as he gets Gina's attention "yesterday remember when I told you about how Channing capture some footage" Ricky says "yeah you said how Carlos was majestic playing as Olaf" Gina says "yeah well I lied. The truth is I said that I wasn't lying about having real feelings for you" Ricky says "what" Gina says shocked "I like you Gina, in fact I think I love you Gina this whole time I loved you. This whole summer was so painful watching you and Ej being together. I was so jealous of how you didn't ask me to the  camp prom, I was so jealous how close you and Ej became this whole summer and from rehearsing "What Do You Know About Love?" that's where I really did like you and seeing you in the camp prom I couldn't stop staring at you. I was blown away that I really fell hard for you. And from the last semesters from homecoming, you encouraging me to join back in theater and i was stupid that you confess about your feelings for me on opening night of HSM and I was just so dumb enough to get advice from you when I was with Nini and I'm sorry I did that but it's true I do love you and I know you just broke up with Ej but I hope you consider to give us a chance" Ricky says as they were close to each other. Ricky waited for a response as Gina stood there that couldn't say anything "Ricky I-" Gina tried to say until again Big Red came in "dude I've been looking for you. Miss Jenn told me that she was on a FaceTime call with your dad and he wanted to talk to you, so go right now before she leaves" Big Red says "alright I'll be there" Ricky says as Big Red leaves and looks again at Gina "I should go, but think about it. I'll be in the cabin" Ricky says as he kisses Gina on the cheek and leaves the cabin. What in the world just happened. Gina legit was confessed by two boys, her old crush and her ex boyfriend that they both love her and now she is all too stunned to even move anymore. She just sat on her bed as she processed everything that just happened. She doesn't know what to do, her old crush actually not just likes her but he loves her. Then with her ex, he actually loved her and she thought too but she doesn't know what she wants. Kourtney then comes in the cabin as she sees Gina with her head down "there's my sister" Kourtney says as she sees Gina a little "hey G you good" Kourtney asks as Gina looks up "two boys just confess to me that they love me and I don't know what to do" Gina says "girl what Ej and Ricky confess to you. I mean understandable for Ej but Ricky I was suspecting that he started feeling something for you after how rehearsals were being, he couldn't stop looking at you" Kourtney explained "I know I just don't know what to do like I've always liked Ricky before but he was so attached to Nini that he even came to me for advice that broke me wishing that would be me" Gina says "and there's Ej" Kourtney says "oh my god Ej he was amazing he cared for me like no one has ever done besides my mom" "girl you even had your first kiss with him" Kourtney adds "but how Ej was this whole summer what if he could do it again since said that his dad is actually giving him a choice to stay or not and I don't know. But with Ricky old feelings come and I fell for him before" Gina says stressing "well G I'm sorry that you are in this place. Look, the person should be who will always be there for you and care for you and love you. Always to make sure they have time for you. Where you were able to connect with each other and become closer. Having deep thoughts that you've never told anyone and that you could feel safe and comfortable around them" Kourtney explains "wow Kourtney you are so amazing" Gina hugs her "aww stop. So what are you going to do" she asks "I think I know. Thanks kourt, your my sister" Gina says "always girl, I'll see you at the campfire" Kourtney says as she leaves the cabin. Gina stands there as she figures out what she wants as she heads out the door heading to the place where he told her he would be. Gina heads to the building as she was there standing at the door being nervous, this is it, Gina, this would be a good decision or a bad but it didn't matter because she was gonna be with the person she always waited for. Gina opens the door as she enters the building as the person looks at who came in, "I love you too" Gina says with a smile.

Authors note: This is what imagine or wanted to see for the ending for season 3. The ending was so rushed and confusing on how all of sudden Gina started liking Ricky. But anyways I hope you guys like this for the first time ever posting here.

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