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POV: Charlie

It's 11 and I've finished up work and I'm sat beside less chatting away and having a pint to myself. I felt eyes burning the back of my head. Suddenly I felt a buzz in my pocket.


G: there's an after party at Leah's if you wanna come
Ch: why didn't Leah ask me herself
G: she gets nervous
Ch: what why ? I'm not scary
G: do u wanna come or not
Ch: yeah
G: okay good

Leah stood up

Leah: okay let's go guys

She walked over to me. My heart started pounding.

Leah: wanna get a lift with us
Ch: yeah okay. See you there less
Less: see you soon

I walk outside with Leah and Georgia

Leah: have a thing for ms russo ?
Ch: nah she's fit tho. Think it's bcs she's tall and blonde
G: you know who else is tall and blo-
L: our taxi is here let's go


I was sat beside a windows and Leah was sat in the middle with g on the other side.

Leah: so you really know nothing about football
Ch: I wouldn't say nothing but like no one thought me.
Leah: what's your hobby
Ch: I like music
L: you sing
Ch: sometimes. I play instruments too
L: written any songs
Ch: a few
L: omg are you gonna release them?
Ch: maybe in the future

Leah and I were making strong eye contact.

Driver: we're here
Ch: thank you

We got out and walked into Leah's house

Ch: nice place
L: thank you
Ch: who is coming ?
L: my close friends
Ch: oh god ima be so akward
L: it's fine you've met most of them
Ch: okay

Everyone arrived and we were having a few more drinks but nothing mad.

Leah: so Charlie this is lucy bronze and Keira Walsh
Charlie: hi it's nice to meet you both I'm Charlie white
Leah: she's Ben whites sister. She works in Jill's place
Lucy: hi I'm lucy nice to meet you and this is my girlfriend Keira
Keira: hiya. God bless you working with Jill
Ch: it's not as bad as one might think.
Lucy: thanks for having us cap
Leah: no problem
Ch: cap?
Keira: she doesn't know ?!
Leah: not a clue
Ch: what?!!
Lucy: Leah's captain of the England squad
Ch: oh my god wow of course you are.
Keira: she lead us all the way through the tournament
Ch: ooo hot

I walked away and sat down beside Georgia

Georgia: right we're playing fuck kiss kill. Make it interesting
Toone: wehayyy
Lucy: right Georgia I'll give you tooney , less and Charlie
Georgia: right I'd kill tooney only because you have mr joe bunny. I'd kiss less and fuck chaz
Ch: wehayyy
Georgia: right Charlie then. Less , Leah and Jill
Charlie: Jill!!!! Really ? Id kiss less kill jill fuck Leah
Keira: it's because she's captain
Mary earps: hey Charlie is your brother single ?
Ch: no

I hate when people ask me that. All I am to people is his sister. Why did I come to a house full of football players and not expect that ?

We went on playing that game for awhile when people started to leave.

Leah: hey you wanna stay here tonight and I'll drop you home in the morning?
Ch: yeah okay
Leah: Keira and lucy are in my spare room and Georgia is on the couch so I'll squeeze in beside her and you can have my bed
Ch: don't be daft I love a good cuddle

Leah showed me up to her room. I got into her bed and when I say it was heaven

Ch: Leah wtf your bed
L: what? What you mean
Ch: it's so fucking comfy
L: god you panicked me
Ch: okay cuddle me please
L: yes ma'am

I fell asleep in Leah's arm so the smell of her perfume. So soft yet so powerful. I could get used to this.

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