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POV: Charlie

We ended up making hot chocolate and lying on the ground outside looking at the stars.

Leah: okay so what is your favorite colour
Ch: easy purple
L: favorite animal?
Ch: duck
L: sorry what?
Ch: I love little ducks
L: your funny. Favorite dinner
Ch: probably shepherds pie
L: ooo that's a shout
Ch: I'll eat that everyday of the week
L: dream holiday destination
Ch: god I don't know somewhere hot
L: dream car
Ch: Chevy Camaro
L: what's it look like

I pull out my phone

Ch: I want the red on it L: because of arsenal obviously Ch: no I support man united L: okay I have to go

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Ch: I want the red on it
L: because of arsenal obviously
Ch: no I support man united
L: okay I have to go

Leah tries to get up

Ch: don't leave!

I start laughing. I decide to roll over on my stomach and lie on her. I'm looking down at her. She starts rubbing my hair. We were looking into each other's eyes.

Ch: maybe my favorite colour is blue

We both giggle.

L: shut up your so cringe
Ch: you love it
L: hmm
Ch: do you have training in the morning
L: no I have tomorrow off because I have our first match of the season Saturday. So I get to spend time with g and drop her to the airport.
Ch: come for a coffee in the morning with g. I'm working from 8-2
L: okay we can come in around 12 and stay till your done. Then get food and drop g to the airport.
Ch: are you going to tell her about our kiss
L: what kiss
Ch: your a dork
L: I don't know what your talking about
Ch: okay your not getting anymore ever!
L: that's not fair I just don't remember ! Your going to have to remind me

I leaned down to her face and embraced her soft lips. It was so soft and delicate.

L: so you gonna come to my game on Saturday ?
Ch: I'm off to the united game to watch less

Leah's face dropped.

Ch: I'm joking stinky
L: better be
Ch: I am
L: you will support arsenal
Ch: you do remember my brother plays for them. I don't follow football.
L: that's okay you can follow the wsl
Ch: what's that?
L: oh my god the womens
Ch: ohhh
L: your an idiot

*ring tone*

L: hello ? Yeah I'm just with Charlie what's up.

Leah laughs and blushes.

L: shut up man. I'll be home soon

Hangs up

Ch: Georgia ?
L: yeah. I best get going. You going to be alright on your own?
Ch: oh I won't be on my own less is coming over
L: your so annoying

I got up and ran. Leah was running after me.

Ch: for an EnGlAnD CaPtAiN your slow

I ran to the door. We were both laughing. Leah pushed me lightly against it and starts kissing me.

I quietly grabbed her arsenal hoodie that was hanging up.

I pulled away

Ch: here your hoodie bye now

She laughed

L: keep it
Ch: why
L: so you can be an arsenal wsl supporter
Ch: okay

I put it on. It's a bit big. Leah had that look in her eyes again.

L: I think it's perfect. Okay I've got to go I'll see you tomorrow
Ch: goodbye lee
L: goodbye char
Ch: text me when you get home !
L: I will

POV: leah

I walked out of her house and walked to the pub to collect my car. It wasn't that far so I didn't mind.

I jumped in my car and thought about today. I smiled. I decided to get Georgia and I a take away because I was in a good mood. I eventually arrived home.

I knocked on the door and Georgia opened it

L: hello my bestfriend (hugs her)
G: leah did you take something
L: no but I got us food
G: oh my best friend I missed you (hugs me)

We giggle. I get us plates and stuff for our food, put it in the living room and put on some tv.

L: come on g
G: if I get treated too good I won't leave
L: I don't want you to
G: I know. But anyways why you in such a good mood
L: I'm just happy
G: did you apologize to Charlie
L: yeah I did
G: did she accept it
L: yeah we're all good
G: thank god
L: we're going for coffee at 12 because she's working and we're going to bring her with us when she's done at 2
G: yes!!
L: I love how yous became friends out of nowhere
G: she's an honest person and I love that about her
L: she is great
G: mate you like her a lot. But what about less
L: don't need to worry about less
G: why?

I looked at her and smiled

G: oh my god you had sex!!
L: NO  woah woah woah
G: you kissed ?

I nod my head

L: g we had such a good time we even went star watching
G: stop I wish Ollie was like that with me
L: what do you mean ?
G: I don't know he's just different. I think it's because I'm moving to Germany
L: that's not very fair
G: yeah he's been going out a lot and drinking. He ignores me all the time
L: it'll be okay g
G: I know
L: finish up your food and we can go to bed
G: thank you for this lee
L: anytime kid

I'm going to miss Georgia so much. At least I get to see her at the World Cup.

We finish up eating and clean. I gave Georgia a hug and we went up to our rooms.

I got dressed and got into bed. I text Charlie and told her I was home and in bed. She sent back a picture of her in bed with my hoodie on. I smiled

If you guys have any suggestions I'm open to adding them to the story if there's anything you guys want to see happen. Thank you for reading !

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