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The eight boys returned to their respective spots on the floor. They positioned themselves in a circle with an empty wine bottle in the center. Seonghwa reluctantly found himself a spot between Mingi and Yeosang. He felt more comfortable sitting next to his friends, despite this uncomfortable situation he had been thrust into.

There had been an open spot next to Hongjoong, but there was no way in hell Seonghwa was taking it. He glanced at the boy, who was also looking at him but quickly looked away when their eyes met. Seonghwa frowned and contemplated trying to leave again. He considered it for a moment but ultimately decided against it. He doesn't want to disappoint his friends who invited him and he also doesn't want anyone to think he's overly dramatic.

Though Seonghwa couldn't help but feel agitated, and even slightly betrayed by his own friends. If they had known that he and Hongjoong were not on speaking terms, why did they even invite him in the first place? Seonghwa sighed, wishing that he had told Wooyoung he was staying home to do homework.

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa again, briefly, and then returned his gaze to the floor. He traced his fingers around Wooyoung's soft carpet, in a measly attempt to calm his nerves. He hopes that this makes him look less anxious than biting his nails does; although, at this point, he practically had no nails left to bite since he had been going at them before Seonghwa arrived. He hates losing his cool, and he hates how obvious it is that his anxiety is spiking. Hongjoong knows he needs something to make him relax.

He motioned for Jongho to pass him the liquor bottle on the coffee table. Jongho raised a brow at Hongjoong as if to ask 'Are you sure?'. Hongjoong motions again for the bottle agin, making Jongho grab it, as well as a shot glass. He hesitantly passes both to Hongjoong.

"Don't drink it straight from the bottle this time," Jongho chided, "It made you look like an alcoholic."

Hongjoong smiled weakly at him and nodded, taking both items. He poured himself a full shot of the clear liquid and slammed it back without thought or hesitation. Jongho chuckled at the disgusted face Hongjoong made as the liquid burned his throat.

"I hate tequila.." he muttered under his breath.

Seonghwa, having witnessed this, brought his own cup to his lips and took a long gulp of red wine. He had asked Wooyoung for a wine glass, however, to Hwa's dismay, he had given him a solo cup instead. Seonghwa presumes it's better than nothing and takes another hearty gulp. This time though, he had finished the contents of the solo cup. He reached for the wine bottle beside him and began to pour himself another glass. A few of the others watched as Seonghwa filled it practically to the brim with the dark red liquid.

"Okay..." San began to speak up, "let's get this spin the bottle game started!"

Seonghwa's eyes widened, "We're playing spin the bottle?!?!"

"What the hell did you think the empty bottle in the middle of the floor was for?" Wooyoung snorted.

Seonghwa shot him a death glare, "Why the fuck are we playing spin the bottle?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, " Not the kissing version, stupid."

"We're playing the truth or dare version," Mingi explained.

"Ohhh," Seonghwa breathed in slight relief.

"Yeah, calm down, Hwa," Wooyoung continued pestering, "No one wants to kiss you with your stank ass breath anyways."

Jongho cackled out loud.

"Wooyoung!!" San exclaimed, thumping the younger on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Wooyoung winced, "Jeez, it was a fuckin joke."

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