From childhood, he was born a Nomad but was taken in by Rouge as her adopted son. Since he was eager to get out and be somebody, despite his Mother's protest, Rouge let him do small gigs for him until he met a guy named Jackie Welles in a gig that h...
"I'm Tommy Roberts but everybody calls me Rocky." The man narrates as he breathes in the air of the barren wasteland outside of Night City as he sits on top of his car:
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"I was born as A Nomad... in two clans, The Aldecados and The Bakkers... Of course, a war was coming to fight over the child's rightful place in one of the clans so the one thing my parents had to do to stop this war and hide from everything... is to get to Night City and kill themselves there and of course, it did stop the war but they all thought I was dead so they all stopped looking for me. Next, I was a legendary fixer who found me because of some job and raised me like her own. Now, I knew the front and back of Night City, I participate in fights, and get some biz to help myself, the usual shit ya gotta do in this place but what I didn't expect was to make friends along the way. Judy Alvarez is the greatest braindance techie I've ever met, and also my childhood best friend for a long ass time along with Evelyn Parker. I met Jackie Welles when I was assigned to him for a job about delivering a real-life lizard for someone! Then I met V, Jackie's numero uno employer and the two of us got along better than Jackie anticipated. Ever since then, the three of us have become best of friends. The legendary fixer that found me and raised me? Her name is Rouge. She raised me like her own kid she had in her private life and sometimes we'd meet and I'd say he's a pretty cool dude. Rouge is a great mom if I'm being honest and she does worry for me sometimes when I do gigs for others instead of the ones I get from her but it was so funny when the first time I wanted to do a job, I almost made her pass out! Funniest shi-" Tommy's narration paused as a call came from both V and Jackie as he answered.
"V, Rocky, you there?" Jackie asked
"Ah, yeah {coughning & pinches bridge of his nose} yeah, I-I-I'm here." She said, still nauseated from something.
"You all right, Choom?" Jackie asked, concerned about his used-to-be partner in crime.
"She's fine, just nervous," Tommy assures Jackie.
"Er, sounded like you blew your gut's airlock." Jackie metaphorically pointed out.
"Yeah... looks like she barfed. It's just stress." He guessed
"Agh, esa chamba te va a matar, Choom. {Job's gonna kill you.}" Jackie said in Spanish.
"Heh, not dead yet!" Tommy said with enthusiasm.
"Exactly, 'Yet'. Anyways, what's goin' on?" As soon as Jackie asked that, an Employee came in and stared at V as V glanced at him angrily.
"Is there a problem?" She asked as the employee just shook his head and went into one of the stalls as V continued her conversation
"We had a leak. My boss called and dragged me in because we had to intervene. Everyone on Night City HQ is on edge."
"But no way you're fucked, right? Hey, you're the one who always wants to fix other people's shit, Choom!" Jackie said as Tommy remembered he liked fixing or helping anyone but didn't want to dive into that past yet.