Baby Girl

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Brandon Pov :

So after we got back to the house with his little sister we went and set her stuff down then we went back were everyone else was. As soon as we walked in the girls started to play with Jakayla. I asked were the guys were and Mya said they in the game room so I went back there. When I walked in they were playing COD so I went an sat on the chair and went on my phone when I my grandma called.

*call mode*

Me: hey grandma

Grandma: hey baby what you doing

Me: nothing with Diamond and her family

Grandma: we'll how many are there I'm about to cook so see if they can come over.

Me: um there is 12 others and hold on ill ask.

*call mode over*

When I looked up the boys were staring at me.

Malik: umm is there something you want to ask us?

Me: yea I'm grandma wanted to know if y'all wanted to come over? She's said she about to start cooking

King: hell yea we going let's just ask the girls.

We walked out and the girls were sitting watching Doc Mcstuffin on T.V with Jakayla. they looked like they were into it to.

Ray: aye y'all wa-GCO

Raven: shhhhhh what until this over

So we had to wait a good ten mins before they turned around.

Mya: now what can we help you with?

Malik: well Brandon's grandma wants us to come over and eat so do y'all want to go?

Jakayla: BJ we go back to nanna?

Brandon: yea Jay she said its time to come eat.

Jakayla: can the pretty ladies come too

Brandon: you have to ask them

With that she turned and looked at them putting on her bet puppy dog face. I mean bottom lip pocked out and every thing.

Jakayla: can you guys come to nana's house too

Brianna: yea we can let us just put some clothes on.

And with that the girls went and got dressed. They all had on different color dresses and Jordan's. The boys changed so the matched their girls and me and Diamond still had on are matching outfits. So we just sat down with Jakayla and waited for them. Each couple got in a car but Jakayla got In the car with me and Diamond. I had already called my grandma and said they can come. its a good thing my grandma had a big dinning room. When we pulled up we got out the cars and I went and opened the door. when I walked in Jakayla called my grandma.

Jakayla: NANNA!!!!

Grandma: little girl I been told you about yelling in my house

Said my grandma who came around the corner with her sippy cup.

Jakayla: sowwy nana but look there more pretty ladies.

Grandma: it ok baby here yo cup now go paw patrol

Jakayla: PAW PATROL!!!

The she took her cup and ran to watch T.V

Grandma: that little girl gonna make me deaf with all the yelling she do but hi y'all come on and sit down the food not down but y'all can come sit down.

We all walked in and sat down. My grandma talked to the girls while the boys and me talked then my grandma and the girls went and got the food. I think Joey went and got Jakayla and sat her in her high chair. We ate and talked when my grandma started to talk.

Grandma: So what are yall names?

Chris :Well my name is Chris and am 18. My parents didn't really care about me. I date Brooklyn and known Ray, Malik, and Andrew since we were in high school.

Ray: My name is Ray and am 18. My mom and little sister died in a crash and my dad was never in my life. I date Raven and Chris, Malik, and Andrew are the only family I have.

Malik: My name is Malik and am 18. My mom was a crack head and died from a overdose and my dad died in a drive by. I date Mya and I have know Chris, Ray, and Andrew for a few years so they like my brothers.

Hakeem: Hi my name is Hakeem and im 18. My only family is my little brother Joey. We lived in a foster home were we met Aaliyah. She is like are older sister since she took care of us while she was there. I date Bianca.

Joey: My name is Joey and im 17. My only family is my older brother Hakeem. We lived in a foster home that wasn't the best. Our parents are both dead. I date Brianna.

Raven: My name is Raven and im also 18. I only had my mom but she died from cancer when I was 15. I have know Mya and Brooklyn since high school and we met Aaliyah not to long ago. Oh and I date Ray.

Mya: My name is Mya and im also 18. I only had my dad but he died from a gun shot when I was 5. I lived with my mom for a while until she left and never came back when I was 17. I have know Raven and Brooklyn since high school and we met Aaliyah not to long ago. Oh and I date Malik.

Brooklyn:My name is Brooklyn and im also 18. I only had my dad but he died when I was 5. I lived with my grandma for a while until she died when I was 17. I never had mom but I have know Raven and Mya since high school and we met Aaliyah not to long ago. I date Chris.

Brianna: My name is Brianna and I'm 17. I have been by myself since I was 10. My mom was a drug addict and my dad walked out on us when I was 6 . My mom died from a overdose and I didn't have any family. Until I met Bianca at a group home. And I date Joey.

Bianca: My name is Bianca and I'm 17. My parents died in a plane crash. I lived with my aunt and her "boyfriend" for a while until my aunt was killed by her "boyfriend". then I was I sent to a group home were I meet Brianna. Also I date Hakeem.

Aaliyah: hello mama my name is Aaliyah and I'm 18. I lived with my parents until they died in a car crash. After that I lived in a foster home were I met Joey and Hakeem. They are like my little brothers. I met the other boys when I was looking for a job at a diner and I met the girls at the mall an I guess we all just clicked. Also I date Andrew.

Andrew: we'll my name is Andrew and I'm 18. I still have my mom who is a child social worker. She took care of me, Chris, Malik, and Ray. I never really known my dad. I have know the guys since high school. And I date Aaliyah.

                                          😄TBC 😄

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