Little brothers ?

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Queen pov

So It's been 2 months and King are still together. But right now we in his office at the trap smoking. When 2 dudes walk in.

King: who the fuck is yall?

Mystery dude 1: Joey but people call me JoJo

Mystery dude 2: and I'm Hakeem but people call me Keem

King: Well what the fuck do yall want?

JoJo: Me and my brother wanted to start working foe you

King: OK Well where did you come from.and how old are yall?

Hakeem: Are mom's and dad died so we was in a Foster home and we both 17.

Wait what's the name of the place? I ask

Jimmy : Sunny oaks

Wait Keem and JoJo ? I scream standing up

Aailyah ?JoJo ask

Yup I say

Girl come here we missed are big sister

I was about to walk over there until King pull me back.

King:wait hold up how do y'all know each other?

They are like my little brother from when I was in Foster care.

Yea she was the only one that cared for us they said

Wait why y'all not there? I ask with a raised eyebrow

Hakeem: Well after you left we didn't want to be there with out you so we dipped.

Well were are y'all staying? I ask

Hakeem: you don't want to know

Well I got 2 extra rooms at my place so y'all can stay there but y'all have to go to school when it start. OK Thanks sis They said giving me a hug

JoJo: wait sis what are You doing here?

Umm well you see king here is my boyfriend.

They turn to king

Ok well if you hurt are sister we'll cut your dick off with a rusty knife.

King: ok I want but since yall my girlfriends little brothers ill start yall if with something small

Ok thanks man and sis we going to go down staires. They said and left

Thanks bae i said and kissed king

King: no problem now let go help them get they stuff and you house set up.

And with that we got up and left.

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