Little Wolf

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The journey to Iowa was a silent one just the occasional snap of Rebekah snapping Stephan's neck every time he was waking up. Klaus had many thoughts running through his head, the biggest one being how he failed her. He failed his Queen. He left to protect her but ended up not being able to when she needed him the most, he should of been there, he should of left to go to her the moment his heart felt the tug. He couldn't wallow in self pity right now, no he couldn't, her daughter needed him and he will be damned if he lets them bastard witches take her away like they did his Queen.

They finally reached where they need to go, parking in front of the house that the note told him to go too, but he didn't get out yet. Gripping the steering wheel tightly taking a shuddered breath, was he really prepared to see this little girl? Did she look like her mother? Or did she look like her farther? Could he really handle looking at a younger version of his queen?

Rebekah sat silently next to her brother, she knew he was a bundle of nerves but she also knew part of him was denying the fact that this little girl was his, and honestly she was as well. She waiting patiently before grabbing his hand softly, giving it a slight squeeze of silent support. That seemed to snap him out of though, with one last breathe be exited the van with Rebekah following besides him.

Before they could ring the bell the door was quietly opened. Klaus let out a small breathe of relief, he knew this witch, Claire became friends with her in New York and was an imprint of one of Billy's pack members. Her once bright brown eyes now tinted slight red from tears, reflecting Klaus. Not caring who he was with she stepped out of the house and hugged him, sobbing silently in his shoulder and shocking his sister he hugged back trying to keep his tears at bay.

Finally letting go of the Hybrid she looked at the pair, swallowing her lump in her throat "Come in" They stepped into the house following as she led them to the living room, they looked around for the child but she was no where In sight. Knowing what they were looking for she explained "She's asleep" as she took in a sharp breathe "Poor girl, cried her self to sleep soon as she found out, wouldn't stop screaming and crying" she told them as she wiped away her tears she gestured to the couch for them to sit.

"How" Was the only thing Klaus managed to get out.

"We don't know" Leigh began "It was a shock to everyone, Claire being pregnant no one knew how it was possible until Billy came down to the idea of it being because you both were wolves" she began to tell him as the siblings stayed silent listening to everything she was explaining. "She began to look for you, not caring of the dangers, oh how I wish she did" She let out a tearing chuckle "But she stopped as soon as the little wolf was born, decided to wait for you instead of trying to find you. We think its because all of the people we asked for help, they somehow found out about her pregnancy, then her child. A friend of mine who was part of a coven caught wind of another coven wanting to kill a child. A child of all three species, she knew it was Claire's child so she told us, she told us how they were coming and we needed to run. But we already ran once when she was a month old and you know Claire she won't keep running away" She said letting a small smile on her face at the memory of her friend "She came up with a plan. She said get my daughter as far away as possible and find Klaus, Klaus can keep her safe as she leads them somewhere else, believing she will never leave her daughter" Klaus let a tear fall hearing how much faith his Queen has in him "It was a stupid plan, a plan that would risk her own life, but she didn't care, she didn't listen to Billy and the pack saying how they will protect them, she believed it was the only way, and maybe it was, but all she cared about was protecting the little wolf, and she did just that" All three of them had tears dripping down their cheeks "She led them to Canada as I drove here, and the plan worked" She finished letting out a shaky breath.

She left the room for a moment leaving the siblings in silence before coming back with two chests. She gave the one to Klaus who rubbed his thumb over where his name was written in her handwriting. "That ones yours" She explained before gesturing to the other one "This one is for Kayleigh" Klaus looked up at the name never hearing it before "The little wolf" She explained realising he never knew his daughters names "Kayleigh Mikaelson" Klaus let out another shuttered breath "It's like she knew, its filled with journals for her to read as she grows up, advice and explanations on her wolf side, you will have to help her with the vampire and witch side" Klaus nodded but his gaze never lifted from the writing on the chest "The one for you is similar but she added stuff about Kayleigh, her likes, dislikes, pregnancy, photos of them the past two years"

Before anything else could be said soft patters of feet were heard and all head turned to the door way. Standing there was a tiny two year old, one of her fist scrunched up rubbing her sleepy eyes, the other hand clutching a wolf teddy bear, her brown hair slightly messy from her sleep, wearing a wolf onesie. She paddled all the way the Leigh not noticing the other people in the room who lifted her up to sit besides her. Kayleigh finally opened her eyes fully, lifting her head up so the siblings could now see her face clearly, making them take in a slight intake of breathe. Her puffy eyes were crystal blue just like Klaus's, she had his face shape, but her lips, nose and hair were her mother. There was no denying it she was their daughter.

Klaus felt his heart break once more, his daughter. There was no denying it, she was his and Claire's. He missed it. He missed it all. Her first steps, her first words, oh, how he wished he was. Kayleigh looked up at Leigh in question, she knows who he is, her mama showed her pictures of her daddy but she wasn't 100% certain. Leigh nodded with a smile as she looked at Klaus waiting for him to respond or say something to his daughter, but it seems as the confident Hybrid has disappeared.

"Daddy?" Kayleigh questioned shyly and it was at that moment, hearing her say that, Klaus vowed he will always protect her, his princess, his little wolf until his last breathe.

Klaus nodded before getting up walking slowly towards his daughter, careful not to startle her. He crotched down in front of her brushing her untamed hair behind her ear "Yeah, sweetie. I'm your daddy" He said. Startling him slightly she leaped and hugged around his neck, snapping out of his shock he hugged her back softly, careful not to hurt her.

She looked over his shoulder to see a blonde lady now standing with a soft smile, she tilted her head in curiosity, as Klaus looked to see what she was looking at "His sweetie, I'm your aunty Bex" She said to the two year old softy earning a shy 'Hi' and wave in return making the adults laugh slightly.

Realising his daughter wasn't going to let go of him he stood up still holding her. He was glad she didn't want to let go, he didn't want to let her go either. He gave Leigh a nod in thanks which she responded with a smile in return, knowing that the girl she sees as a niece is now in safe hands before making his way out. Rebekah realising his brother wont be able to hold the cases and Kayleigh carried them to the van for him, as Leigh gives him a bag filled with the little wolves stuff, it wasn't a lot, just enough to keep them going for a while. Klaus knew straight away he will be buying his little wolf plenty of things once they settle down.

After saying goodbye the now small family made their way to Mystic fall, as the little wolf slept next to her dad, while her aunt was in the back on the van doing who knows what, Klaus realised at that moment, he will make his Hybrids, but not for his self, or for Claire, it was now to protect his princess, their little wolf.

Always and Forever.

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