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A week has past since that day. Klaus made sure to shelter his daughter from the drama and blood shed, wanting her to have her innocence as long as possible. When he got to Mystic falls he found out the problem. The Doppelganger was alive, but that wasn't the issue though was it? No, his mother had to do him over once again so he was forever grateful of the scooby gang stupidly brave plan to keep her alive as her blood was the key. After a love sick Salvatore brother decided it would be a great idea to wake up his farther he left town with his daughter.

Most would think what about Rebekah? Well you see during the journey to Mystic Fall, Klaus decided to tell her all about Claire. Who and what she was, how they fell in love and why he had to leave, so as soon as he heard about Mikael, he had a plan, he wont lose his daughter or leave her like he once did his love before. He would leave with his daughter, making hybrids to protect her while Rebekah will stay being his eyes and ears. Reluctantly she agreed, but she didn't do it for him, she done it for her niece.

So the Farther daughter duo travelled. It was knew for Kayleigh and he knew that, never leaving La Push/Forks before he made sure the two year old enjoyed her time and spoiled his princess rotten. She only had to look at something and it was hers. The journals helped him a lot making it easy to step into his role, Claire really out done her self. She made sure to write everything to avoid a tantrum or any struggle such as writing: Her sleep schedule, foods she likes and dislikes, her hobbies, what she like to do, clothes she likes to wear and doesn't likes, and one he will ever be grateful for how to do her hair which was just below her shoulder.

As they travel he was reluctant to leave her with an compelled baby sister, but he would rather leave her for a few hours than take her with him to witness the sight of making hybrids. As the time past their bond grew. Klaus realising she is a lot like him even at the age of two, with a temper like his, attitude to match her mothers, the love of paining, as well as the love of nature she was the combination of both of her parents.

Returning to Mystic fall, hearing the news of his farther death he felt relief flowing through him, one less threat to worry about, oh how he regrets making so many enemies now. He was thankful that his little wolf was asleep in one of the bedroom when the whole drama kicked off not wanting her to witness that, as well as not wanting the scooby gang to know about his daughter, he didn't need her being used against him or put into danger because of their idiotic plans.

Shocker, they just couldn't stop. Now emotionless Stephan decided to take the coffins of his siblings. Another issue he has to deal with when all he wants to do is spend time with his daughter. Issue after issue, problem after problem, threating here and there he was reunited with his brother. Elijah was shocked at first to find out about his niece but much like his sister, his protectiveness over his niece was strong, especially seeing how Klaus changed around his little girl, giving him a new found hope for his brother. Elijah bonded quickly with her, even at two she was quite intelligent, being able to speak quite well even though she struggled with most works but he quickly caught on with what she was trying to say. He also agreed with his brother, that Kayleigh should stay hidden as long as possible knowing how the scooby gang can be.

After a 'lovely' dinner with the Salvatore brothers, having the coffins back to, surprise! They are all un-daggered. He couldn't care, he was going to do it anyways, more family protection for his princess. He didn't care about them attacking him, just the noise they were causing, his little wolf was upstairs for crying out loud. Another shocker, Mothers alive! After the whole family drama they all snapped out of it when a cry was heard making Klaus flash to her room to comfort her, as the rest followed curiously. Kol joked about Klaus kidnapping a child but after a lengthy explanation on who she was as she cuddled into her dads chest, much like the others Kol fell in love his niece, the only sibling wary and kept a distance was Finn as their mother couldn't help but eye the child in disgust.

Kayleigh was announced much to the sibling quad displeasure by orders of their mother during the Mikaelson ball. She was never left on her own, refused to go to anyone that wasn't her dad, Rebekah, Elijah or Kol. Another problem, fantastic. Their mother tried to kill them around the same time Kayleigh became sick. Klaus began to worry that his mother was the problem but after getting rid of the issue she was still sick making the Mikaelson's increase in worry. She shouldn't get sick, she's a wolf/shifter vampire, so what was the problem. Kol after plenty of research knew it wasn't a witch problem and Klaus refused to go to the hospital, hospitals resulted in test and her blood will raise questions so he called the only doctor he could think of, Carlisle Cullen.

Carlisle came with his wife and both adored the little girl, hearts breaking at the sweat and discomfort she was in. He came down the solution that it was a flu and explained to the family that she managed to get sick due to her wolf and vampire not being fully activated, until then she was mostly part witch meaning plenty more colds in the future. Ever since that visit Carlisle and Esme kept in contact with the family. Just like Billy and Charlie, regular facetime session with the child became a routine. Mondays Charlies, Wednesdays Billy's and Fridays were the Cullen's couple. Klaus was forever thankful for another pair to help protect his little wolf.

As the time passed, many problems arise. Kayleigh became more aware of the world she was involved in. She knew what she was, and who her family was. As she began to understand more of theses things and her curiosity grew Kol began to teach the her simple, safe and easy spells and began to collect as many grimoire he could get his hand on, saving them in a chest much like her mother did for as she grows into her magic, being able to have many for her to use. Rebekah taught the young girl how to dance, buying her all sorts of outfits, doing her hair everyday making sure her niece looked like the true princess she is. Elijah, became her teacher, educating her on the vampire world in a delicate manner as well as teacher her many things, maths, English, history, music. Klaus spoiled his little girl with anything she wished for, but she only ever asked for art supplies and he was more than happy to provide, bonding session where the farther daughter duo could be found just paining together for hours, and as heart breaking as it was, he never denied his daughter an answer about her mother, bedtime stories filled with the tale of their true love. Her mother diaries started to be read, reading about the type of wolf hybrid it is, never shying from details on her kind, on her curse, providing her with answers her mother wished she had.

Grief hit the young girl once again. Her God mother had died in a car accident, her God farther being injured servery making Kayleigh heart broken. But it didn't stop their, her dad didn't tell her of the details but her uncle Kol has now joined her mom in heaven, she didn't understand, why did so many people close to her die?

Wasn't it meant to be Always and Forever?

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