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(A/N: Just a reminder: I do not have any experience with anything Medical) 

His right hand was bare. Kazuha only remained silent as he stared at it. A wound that was caused from his friend's vision burning him. Something that he didn't regret. Mina returns into the room with other medical supplies. She returns with ointment and new wrapping. 

She also came with a kit of some kind. "Before I wrap it. I'd like to run a small test". Kazuha tilts his head as she brings out various tools from the kit. Some were sharp while the others were dull. "First I'd like to test if you still have feeling". She grabs a small needle and gently pokes his skin. A small groan came from him as she quickly pulled it out.

She didn't want him to be in any more pain, but this was necessary for future healing. "I apologize. Next, I'll place some ice on your hand". She creates a small piece of ice and places it on his hand. "Do you feel any cold sensations?". He nods "Yes but it's faint". 

That's a small but positive sign. "Lastly, can you try to move a finger?". He nods and tries to move a finger. What he could muster now was only a small twitch of a finger. Kazuha tried more but was stopped by Mina. "Hey, baby steps. You've only just woke up".

Kazuha gives out a small sigh. He wanted to heal fast to get back to Inazuma. Mina puts ointment on and wraps his hand. "Since moving is difficult, I'll get you a sling". She comes back with a long cloth and ties around his shoulder. Kazuha thanks her. It'll help since he can't move his hand much. 

Mina gives him a small drink. "Here you go". Kazuha grabs the drink and weary looks at it. It had a dark green color to it and the smell was unpleasant. He let out a small groan and quickly gulped down the drink. He scrunched his face in disgust and shook his head. "I know it's unpleasant, but it'll help with your wounds".

From whatever was in it, it made Kazuha sleepy. He needs the much-needed rest. Mina places a blanket over him and leaves the room. Time for him to rest. Mina leaves her house to gather some more herbs. She had run low while taking care of Kazuha. It took her a while to come back. 

When she arrived at her house, she found Kazuha in her living room. "Woah! You shouldn't be out of bed!". Kazuha had woken up earlier and didn't want to lay in bed all day. He wanted to speed up his recovery. "I'm all better". Mina looks at him and at his wounds. "You sure?".

Mina walks over to him and lightly pokes his shoulder. "Ow!". She huffs and sits down next to him. "You are not alright. Recovery takes time". Kazuha gently rubs his shoulder. 'I have to get back' he thought. Mina sits up and stretches. "Mm!". 

She turns around and looks at him. "Would you like anything to eat?". He nods "I'd love some". She goes into the kitchen and begins cooking a small meal. 'Something light to not upset his stomach' she thought. A recipe came to mind that would work. "Hm, do I have the ingredients?".

She looks around for the ingredients and gets them out one by one. "Yes, that's perfect!". She begins by slicing the vegetables up in small pieces and putting them all in one large pot. Mina then adds water and broth to the large pot. She turns on the stove at a medium boil while it is cooking. 

While she was doing this, Kazuha watched her movements. He was fascinated by the effort she put into it. Mina hummed a little toon during this as well. Due to her wanting to be an adventurer it let her to learn other things an Adventurer would need in the wild.

Cooking was one of them. She finishes the meal and brings a bowl to Kazuha. His arm was still in the sling, so she put the bowl on a wooden food tray to help him eat the food. "Please be careful it's hot". He nods and thanks her for the food. 

After a couple of bites. Kazuha wanted to know what the dish was. "It's Miso Soup". His eyes lit up as she said that. A dish from his home. Kazuha didn't finish the whole bowl but eating half was enough for Mina. She was happy for that small amount. 

A/N: Hello Everyone! How are you? I hope you're enjoying the story! Thank you for the views! I appreciate it! 

See you soon!


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