Her eye's

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It was 7:29am by the time I opened my eye's to see the sunrise shine over my little town near London. The sun shines in through the blindes, forcing me to pull the covers over my head to block it out. A minute later my alarm clock scream's, I swear that's the worst sound in the world. I roll out of bed to the shower, the cold water takes my breath away as I step in. The water heats up slowly as it covers my body. I make it a quick one since I don't have much hot water left. I need to be in work by 9am and the train takes 45minutes to arrive in London.

There's a lot of people on the train today, I watch everyone who gets on at every stop, the dissapoitnment on their faces when they can't find a seat is slightly amusing. A pregnant woman gets on the train so I stand up to give her my seat. She thanks me and her face scrunches as she slowly lowers herself to the seat. I can't lie, it does look awfully painful for her.

I'm greeted by my boss Andy as I hang up my coat, I work at a museme. I'm a guide so my job is to educate people on the artifacts we have. It's not my dream job but it pays the bills, along with my bartender job at night.

"Do you think you could stay an hour later tonight?" He asks nervously.

"I dunno, I have to be at the bar by 7 tonight" I say while checking my shifts.

"I will make it up to you, I promise"

"Why do you need me? Can't Lola do whatever it is"

He shakes his head slowly "we have someone very important coming-" he is interrupted by Greg, another guide.

He glances at me and puts his hands together and whispers please to me. I nod my head, his face lights up as he gives me the thumbs up. I shake my head as I walk away, I can never say no to anyone. My day goes by slowly, we have a couple of school classes coming in on trips that I have to show around. I swear none of them to listen to me talking.

I take a late lunch since I'm finishing later. I get something out of the vending machine and take a seat in the empty staff room. I scroll through my social media, Eva my bestfriend texts me. I text her back, my 30minutes is up so I make my way back out to the main area to meet my new group. Those 30minutes flew by.

Andy instructs everyone to come towards me. I introduce myself to everyone, I look down to get everyone a little guide book to read as we walk around. As I am handing everyone a booklet I glance up to see the most perfect ocean blue eyes I've ever seen. I recognise her, our eyes lock for a phew seconds before I let go of the book and she smiles. What a beautiful smile. It suddenly hits me like a tone of bricks. It's Cate blanchett! I am about to guide Cate freaking Blanchett around the museme.

My cheeks turn red as I try to compose myself.

I take a deep breath "I'm sorry, I- uhm- sorry" I squeeze my eyes shut.

I stop talking before I embarrass myself even more.

She laughs "don't worry sweetheart, I'm really looking forward to this Y/N" She jokes.

I smile at her and try to do my job but it's almost impossible knowing that she's watching me. Butterflies swirl in my stomach the entire time. She's even more beautiful in person. The tour comes to an end, normally people go their separate ways and don't give me a second thought but I feel a comforting hand on my back as I prepare to get ready to leave.

I flinch at the touch.

"I'm sorry honey did I scare you-"

"No no sorry, how can I help you?" I try to keep my composure.

She smiles "I just wanted to say that was very interesting, you are very talented" her smile grows wider "you are very beautiful"

Oh my god Cate blanchett is calling ME beautiful I scream to myself in my head.

"Thats an amazing compliment coming from you" I struggle to say.

"How come?" Her eyebrows frown slightly.

"Because of how beautiful you are" I shyly, I look down at the ground.

"Do I make you nervous?" She asks

"Very" I laugh. I look back up at her.

Her hand squeezes my arm "good" she smirks.

Her eyes not leaving mine "do you want to grab dinner?"

I check the time, its 6pm. I'm meant to be in work in an hour but I push that to the back of my mind and accept her offer.

We get in her car, I take quick glanaces over at her. Hoping she doesn't see me being a creep. I try to keep my cool as she makes conversation.

"I know a great place 10minutes from here, I'm sure you'll love it" she says as her eyes concentrate on the road.

"Sounds great" I say shyly.

"You are pretty quiet aren't you" She jokes

I nod "I just can't believe whats happening to me right now"

She glances over at me and laughs.

We arrive at the resturant, its a lovely small Italian place. The smells are making my stomach rumble. The waiter comes rushing over to seat us, we get seated at a very quiet corner.

"No one will disturb us here" she smirks at me.

"I hope not" I joke.

The waiter brings over two glasses of wine and takes our orders. I awkwardly order the same thing she does.

"So" she pauses "I want to get to know you" she says while slowly bringing the wine glass to her lips.


I randomly thought of this and thought I would try it. I don't know where its going yet so bare with me! Thank you for reading 💛💛

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