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"What would you like to know?" I ask her shyly.

"Why do you work at the museme?" She asks

"It pays the bills I guess" I shrug my shoulders

Her head relaxes in her hands "what do you wish to be? Career wise"

I laugh "why do you want to know?" I'm to embarrassed to admit I would love to be her.

Her eyes squint slightly "you don't seem happy, that's all"

The food arrives, we eat in silence. I take quick glances at her and she does the same to me. Our eyes catching each others sets a fire inside of me.

"So...are you going to tell me?"

I roll my eyes "I want to be a photographer"

Her eyebrows raise in surprise "that's really good sweetheart" she lifts her wine glass and takes a sip "have you took any photography classes?"

"I go to one on Thursday nights, I can't afford anything else...I enjoy it" I smile.

She smiles at me "do you want dessert?"

"Yeah sure, do you have a menu?" I ask as I scan the table for it, I quickly glance at my watch to check the time.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah" I smile "I just don't know what I want"

"I recommend the ice cream, its delicious"

"Ice cream it is then"

She very politely grabs the attention of our waitor and orders two different flavours of ice cream. He's quick to bring it to our table.

"Who is having raspberry ripple and who is having butter peacan?"

"We are going to share, thank you"

"No problem Mam"

She looks over at me, spoon at the ready "do you mind?"

"No course not, go ahead"

She hands me a spoon and we both share our desserts, I never thought in a million years I would be sharing ice cream with Cate blanchett. I glance down at my watch again, looking at how late I am for my bar shift.

"Do you need to be somewhere?" She asks so softly.

I scrunch my face "yes and no, I work at a bar at night after I've been at the museme"

"What time do you start?"

"I was meant to start at 7pm"

"For heavens sake it's 9!" She grabs the soft white napkin to wipe the left over ice cream from her lips "I'm so sorry, I will drive you there"

"Thats okay, I can't ask you to do that" I slip my arms into my jacket.

"You're not asking, I'm telling...come on, I'll explain to them that I held you up"

"To be honest I don't think they will be bothered, I'm sure the place can run without me" I try to make a joke about it but she's having none of it.

"How do you get home...I mean I would guess you normally finish pretty late?" She glances over at me while still trying to watch the road as she drives over the speed limit.

"around 2am sometimes, I walk to the bus stop normally and get a bus from there"

"Thats not very safe, is there not a safer option for you?"

"It's to much money to get an uber or a taxi, I've done it for over a year now and I've been fine so I'm sure it's okay"

"Where do you live?"

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