Promblem baby

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There will be cussing.

Regressed Christopher.

Chris took a deep breath as he exited the van, he needed to be on his best behavior or Nick would be upset, especially after he promised him he'd be good. They had been planning this day for weeks, almost a whole month now. If Chris was good when they went out to eat with their friends then they'd get him a new toy. Chris was excited, however the memory of the last time they went out to eat with their friends haunted him. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He had accidentally regressed and had called Madison mommy, causing a big shock to everyone there, ending in him crying into Matt's chest from embarrassment. He was glad Nick intervened and explained age regression to them, going into detail, with Chris's permission. It had resolved and everyone was understanding and supportive afterwards.

Everyone babied him and it made him happy that they didn't think less of him, but it still made him nervous. What if they had changed their mind? What if they found it gross? His thoughts were cut off by an embarrassing question from Matt.

"Did you wear your pull up baby?"

Chris blushed looking away from the other, slowly nodding. "Good job buddy!" Matt praised as he went over to him, wrapping his arms around him to get a better look at his face. "It's gonna be okay, just like we talked about, right? Let Nicky or me know if anything happens. Everyone supports you and they don't see you as any different babe." Matt kissed his brother on the forehead. Chris clung to him, his eyes briefly closed as he tried to not get emotional. He was a big boy! Big boys didn't cry!

"Okay Matty!" He smiled, looking up at the other. Matt felt relieved, Chris had called him Matty. Meaning that he wasn't fully regressed yet, or at least not as little as he usually was. Nick came around to the other side of the car, slightly joining their shared hug. "How old are you feeling sweets?" Nick brushed his fingers through his hair. "Four!" Chris giggled, leaning to tap his nose on Nick's palm. It was a bad habit, tapping his scrunched up face on their hands, but it was a sense of closeness that he loved. "Alrighty darling." Nick chuckled.

As they entered the restaurant they made their way to the front desk before being led to their reserved table. They got comfortable, pulling out their phones and scrolling, waiting for their friends. Chris looked around curiously at the paintings hanging up and all the people walking by. He would often verbally grunt and point at the different observations he made, but after a while he started getting bored and irritated, there was nothing to do. He shook his head, he wanted attention and currently his caregivers were on their phones practically ignoring him. He kicked his legs, repeatedly kicking Matt in the process, trying to get his attention. When Matt didn't do anything he moved on to Nick, pulling his hair, and kicking him too. Nick gave him a stern look that made him giggle. "Chris. What did we agree on?" Nick asked. Chris shook his head, "Borin!" He shouted, ignoring the question. Matt glanced up from his phone, finally noticing the attitude that was coming from the little. "Where is your pacifier?" Matt asked, raising a brow. "Crap didn't bring it!" Nick butted in, answering for the little. "I no need paci!" Chris pouted, crossing his arms. Nick and Matt ignored him as they quietly discussed some things.

"What about his bottle?" Matt questioned, "It's out in the car." Nick rubbed his temple. Matt stood up, "I'll go get it, besides they should be arriving soon." Matt sighed, "also it's crowded here and it's getting hard to focus, I might stay out there a bit longer. Not gonna lie." Matt whispered. Nick nodded, understanding his brother's anxiety, "Oh alright, take your time. I think I can handle him." Nick hugged Matt, giving him some reassurance. Matt gave his wallet to Nick, "Just incase he wants to play one of them dumb coin machines." He smiled, Nick playfully rolled his eyes, "I told you about spoiling him." Chris looked up seeing Matt leave and panic set inside of him, he scooted toward Nick, tugging on his sleeve. "Dada?" Chris frowned, pointing at Matt repeatedly as the brunette left. Nick's heart sank, hearing Chris calling Matt "dada" usually meant he regressed around two or younger. "Chrissy, hunny he needs some fresh air, okay? Dada will be back, I promise." Nick kissed his head. He knew how much Chris freaked when Matt wasn't with him so he would do anything in his power to keep the little calm by himself.

Even if that meant letting a rule slip, having to distract him with his phone.

Nick greeted their friends as they joined him at the table, Chris didn't notice them as he was staring down at Nick's phone, playing an animal guessing game. They all talked about what they were gonna eat and talked about Elmer's unreleased song, letting them hear bits and pieces of it. Matt joined them not much longer afterwards, quickly handing the bottle to Nick, but the look on Nick's face gave him a bad feeling. "What happened?" Matt asked, scooting Chris over to be between Nick and him. "ah…. Well he regressed younger than we thought he would." Nick sighed. Matt looked down at Chris, slowly taking the phone away. Chris pouted and kicked his feet, gripping the sides of the phone weakly trying to take it back from Matt. "Baby calm down, people are here. I need to talk to you." Matt whispered. Chris pulled at his own hair, "Dada! Wah?" Everyone silently looked the other way, not wanting to irritate the little one any more. "Do we need to go to the bathroom?" Matt asked, glancing down at Chris. He hated having to bring up the bathroom scenario, but he knew the only way to keep him under control in public was by reminding him of a punishment. He turned away from Matt and grabbed onto Nick, "no." He whispered. "Good baby, now let's figure out what to order for you." Matt smiled, grabbing the kids menu.

Everyone ate, laughed, and just talked about whatever came to mind. As their plates got finished they moved on to small deserts and other topics.

No one was paying attention to Chris as they all talked about YouTube plans and careers, he was in his own little world. After having the phone taken he had nothing to keep him busy. He had been staring at the little kid in the other booth with his parents. He watched as they talked, laughed, and finished their plates. Chris watched silently wishing that his caregivers would baby him at the moment, but they had currently been giving Madi attention. Laughing about how short she was. Chris didn't really pay much attention as none of the words they said made any sense to him. He watched as who he believed was the boy's mother pulled out a cookie and gave it to the little boy. That made him more upset, he leaned over and tugged on Nick's sleeve, "Daddy?" Chris pouted, waiting for him to turn around. "Hold on Chris!" Nick laughed, going back to his conversation. Chris crossed his arms and tugged on Matt instead, "Dada?" He pleaded. "Chrissy, give me a moment." Matt smiled, giving his attention back to Madison. Chris nodded, feeling useless. Why didn't they want to baby him and talk to him? He pouted.

Chris slid out of the booth, checking back to see if they noticed him sneaking off, when he was sure the coast was clear he continued. He made his way past the other booths, he looked back at the couple with the small child, thinking about asking about them playing together, but when he looked over he was met with the man who had been sitting with them…

"Do you have a staring problem or what boy?" The guy asked with an immediate attitude, shoving himself onto Chris. Chris backed up and tried to be big, but he couldn't handle all the different emotions. "i-i" he stuttered, slowly making his way toward the doors. "Fucking creep? Got a thing for kids or some shit?" The guy shouted, now Chris was fully scared, he was outside alone with the much taller and bigger guy. In a state of hurry he ran toward the van, trying to unlock the doors, thankfully they had accidentally kept them unlocked. He slid into the driver's seat and pressed different buttons attempting to lock every door. He watched as the angry man approached the windows and continued to yell, "A van too? I guess you really are just some type of pervert!" Chris sank into the seat, once the guy finally went back into the restaurant, surely to complain about him out in the parking lot, he slid into the back of the van, laying on the seats. He cuddled up, thumb in mouth, and silently cried. Everything just bubbled up. He felt weak and useless. He was all alone and no one helped him when he was sure that if that guy really wanted to be could have sent him to the hospital. He really just wanted his Daddy and Dada.

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