Soapy Floors.

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Regressed Chris.

"Bath?" Chris pouted as he smacked Nick's leg. Nick turned around from folding the laundry, "not right now buddy maybe in a bit." He sighed. Chris tugged on his flannel getting his attention again, "Yes Chris?" Nick asked, already getting annoyed.

"Bathhhhhhh!" He dragged out as he stomped his foot down on the tiles. "Chris I said not right now. I'm busy, I can't watch you and you can't take one alone." He narrowed his eyes. "Dada!" "Chris, I said no."

Chris left the bathroom and went to Matthew's room, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Daddy!" Chris called out. "He's not here. He went to an appointment, baby." Nick said as he still folded clothes in the other room.

"Fine!" Chris scoffed as he went to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him giggling. If they were too busy for him then he'd have to figure it out by himself. He made his way to the tub and started running the water, almost burning himself with the hot scalding water. "Uh.." he nervously smiled. He knew how to fix this! He grabbed his lucky bubbles!

He poured them all into the bathtub quickly before stopping the water. He grabbed his bath toys and tumbled them in one by one. He was proud of himself, but quickly got nervous when he heard knocking at the door.

"Chris what was all of that noise?" "Let me in." Nick said as he twisted the doorknob waiting for Chris to unlock it. "Dada!- don't be mad!" Chris shouted with the door still between them. "Chris what did you do?" Nick was getting ticked off by the minute. He left Chris alone and now he was sure something happened while he was away.

"Chris open the door please." Nick told him as he backed away from the door, expecting him to unlock it. Luckily this time unlike other situations Chris followed through and unlocked the bathroom door. He stood in the way from Nick seeing what mess he made.

"What happened?" Nick asked, "I wanted a bath...." He sighed. "Let me see." Chris moved to the side and Nick walked into the bathroom. He almost fell, not noticing the soapy mixture covering the floor. Bubbles filled the rim of the tub, toys were floating, and the tub had an alarming amount of water.

"Oh my...... god Chris." Nick sighed as he pulled the plug, "were you going to get in there?" He asked. "Yes..." Chris nodded. "What if you slipped? Drowned? Chris, we tell you not to do things for a reason." Nick tried to calm himself down. "Go sit on the bed. When Matthew gets home we are going to have a long talk."

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