A Sliced Prologue

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- Victim's Body -

Another same boring day . Geez ... How can I put spice in my life this weekend ? It's already 2 : 00 in the afternoon already and there's nothing left to do but to watch TV and just slouch . A daily weekend routine . I wanted to add a little bit of ... How can we say this ? Oh yeah ... Make my life more interesting than I could've imagined .

Oh geez . I'm hungry . My stomach is growling now .

I stand up and started to raise my arms upward . I think i've been sitting in that chair for like forever . I'm really lazy you know ?

I started walking to the fridge then opened it .

Just vegetables ... Well , i'm no vegetarian so maybe I'll just go buy some meat . It is a nice day to stroll .

I changed my clothes and checked if there's money in my wallet .

Great ! There's enough money to buy myself some meat .

I head down to the place where I can buy meat but I suddenly stopped walking when I saw this place again .

The Inglewoods ...

It's a meat shop too but I don't like it . Let me rephrase that . I don't like them .

I continued walking but suddenly I collapsed .

I can't see anything but last thing I smelled is oddly familliar but now I know it's not heat stroke It's a someone that did this to me .


I woke up feeling a little bit cold . No , I mean It feels really really cold in here .

Where am I ?

Suddenly , a figure just came walking to me . But the lights blocked my sight to take a glimpse of the person standing but one thing for sure is that this person is the one that made me collapse . It got the same smell the I smelled earlier .

It took a step closer to me revealing a face . A wretched face . That face ... I hate that face . Not just that face . I loathed that person and forever will be !

I just notice that ' That The Person I Hate So Much ' was holding a butcher knife .

What Is It Going To Do ?

Last thing ' The Person I Hate So Much ' did was something I did'nt expect .

My arm just got sliced . I screamed in pain , hoping that someone heard it .

I think this is the end .

An end to me .

This life is pretty interesting right now .

The spice I wanted , came .

But not the way I expected it to be .

My killer did the most horrifying things I never imagined .

What a painful death ...

A really painful death ...

Is this a goodbye ?

Might as well , bid and say sorry to everyone .

' Goodbye ' I uttered . The last word I can say .

A thought flashed in my mind just before I got brutally killed ,

But why does my life end here ?

Like a pig ... I end up .

End up being .



Hi Guys ! Sorry kung sobrang taas ng prologue ! But I hope It's interesting enough to let you take a vote or to continue reading . You can vote , comment or something like that . I accept comments even criticisms , It helps me improve . You can also share or reccomend this story to other if you want . Thank you !

Siya po yung nasa description ng story at ito yung mas improved at mas detailed na description . Don't try to understand what I said or type if you can't .

Good Byeeeeeee !

ButcheredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon