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Chaos has stormed though his castle dressed in bright kimonos and silver hair.

She was up to something. He could feel it every time she would bat those sinful long lashes at him. The Inuyasha he knows did not act like a docile and delicate lady, but it seems that ever since he came back two days ago and encountered her dying in his chambers, she's made a compete transformation.

He really wanted to believe her when she explained that it was the near death experience, but his instincts were telling him otherwise.

"Sesshomaru" The demon Lord looked down at the voice of his mate who was looking up at him with a small smile on those wicked lips of hers.

Dressed in a dark purple and white Kimono with her hair in a high ponytail it only accented her slender neck and shoulders to perfection.

"What is it Inuyasha? " he all but growled at her.

"I was thinking" she started

"Always a bad thing when she did that" Sesshomaru thought darkly.

"Could I have my own chambers?"

He glared down at her. She wanted to escape his bed.

"No koneko, your place is in my bed" he said harshly.

She pouted, and he felt his eyes go wide at her facial expression.

"Fine...but I was just thinking how much more welcoming this castle would be if I felt like I had a room. I always wanted to have a room here" she said, and then signed sadly "But as you wish"

She started to turn away from him. Damnit all the hell, when she said it like that it made him feel like an ass for denying her that simple request. How did she manage to do that?

"Very well, if it would make you feel more at home here I will have one of the maids prepare a room next to mine" he gives in.

She smiled widely at him and went to give him a hug rendering the older demon speechless at her actions.

"Thank you" she thanked gratefully.

Sesshomaru grimaced at his weakness for allowing her womanly wiles to get the better of him. She pulled away and turned to walk towards the great hall her hips swaying as she walked making him see red for a moment.

She was going to be his undoing if she kept behaving like that.


Inuyasha wanted to laugh out loud. This was fun! Ever since she could remember she never had the upper hand over the great Lord of the Western Lands....now all she had to do is pout and bat her pretty lashes at the big bad dog to get her way.

Oh the humor at the situation! To think that she was able to get him to grant her, her very own room was just too rich.

Now all she had to do is keep this up and soon she'd be able to break free from here.

Inuyasha walked out towards to gardens that backed into the forest making it one of her favorite places to be. Tonight was the night of the new moon and now that she'll have her own room she'll be able to lock herself inside and not worry about Sesshomaru walking in on her while she's human.


"She hasn't come out of her room since the sun set" Sesshomaru mumbled as he walked over to the door of her bedchambers and tried opening it only find it locked from the inside. He growled at the door.

"How dare she lock herself inside"

He walked towards his chambers and went to the large wardrobe and pulled the two doors open, pushing the clothing away he then pushed at the back wall that gave away to reveal a secret passage.

There was a reason he even gave her the room next to his own, it was because of this passage way.

He somehow knew that she would do this.

As he moved though the dark hall he soon picked up the scent of a human along with hers. Sesshomaru snarled, how dare a human enter her chambers.

He pushed tho door open only to see a dark haired woman who was by the window gasp in surprise when she turned to look at him.

He paused in mid step.

"Inuyasha?" He asks cautiously. It was her...but she was human. Dark thick hair tumbled down her back making her ivory skin stand out even more than usual.

He walked up to her and examined her face even farther. Her eyes where no longer gold but a sultry violet that were speckled with blue, they were beautiful.

"How did you get in here? I locked to door! " she said, not taking her eyes away from his searching ones.

"Secret passage, why did you want to hide this?" Sesshomaru asked, dismissing her questions.

"This is the night when I lose my demon powers and become human. And...I don't like being seen like this" she answered

He didn't know what to feel seeing her human. He was never one to be attached to them, and up until a short while ago detested them. Seeing her like this was supposed to repel him...even disgust him, but all he felt was a need to protect her while she was this weak.

"You shouldn't keep this from your mate. How am I supposed to protect you when I don't know what's wrong?" He asks.

She only shrugged.

"I've been alone for most of my life, I can handle being human within the safety of your castle. Now being a child and turning human while demons were chasing you meanwhile....that was hard and frightening"

Sesshomaru flinched at what she said. She was referring to when he had turned her away when she was younger. He felt like he would forever regret that decision. And she was reminding him why she didn't trust this information with him.

Once again, she had managed to make him feel like an ass.

"I think I'm going to bed now, I feel safe enough to do so" she said sadly then took his hand in her little one's giving it a slight squeeze before she moved to lie down on her bed.

"Would you like for me to stay here tonight?" He impulsively asked, not knowing what to expect, he just wanted to be here to try and make up for the past.

Her eyes went a little wide, clearly no expecting that.

"Only...if that's what you like" she answered.

To say he was more than a little confused was an understatement. He went to prop himself against her head board and then wrapped his tail around her for warmth. She snuggled into his tail and soon fell asleep.

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