The Nina Project (Part 5)

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

I didn't know how long this went on for. 

Maybe several minutes? Even longer? I don't know. I just know that I couldn't do it. I am a failure, and I heard the kids snickering at me. 

I let out a sharp exhale. Panting, I lost my focus. 

"Why does he waste so much time with her?" I heard Two whisper as he shook his head. "At this point, she might as well just be labeled a failure."

"Hey." Papa's assistant walked over to him and Two's shoulders stiffened. "Quiet." 

I just sat there quietly, wondering why nothing happened. My powers should still work, even if this was a memory. I could've cheated the system, but I knew that was a bad idea. Everything would've just went back to the way things were, and I would've had to do it all over again. 

I wasn't supposed to be focusing on my powers anyways. This memory is a piece of me, and I wanted to remember.

"They're you." Papa leaned over to whisper to me. "They think you're weak. All except Eleven." I blinked through my tears. "Show them, Six. Show your friend that you can do it." I stared at the light bulb as it started to flicker finally. "Good, now make it move."

I glanced at El who smiled at me.

Then, the light in the bulb faded away. 

"Waste of time...." Two whispered again.

"Shut up." I heard El mumble. "Leave her alone."

I put my hand to my nose to wipe the blood until I saw both my hands covered in blood. El's voice seemed to echo for me and it overlapped with children screaming. I looked around in surprise. 

I was alone again. 

I removed the wires from my head and tried to clean my bloodied hands. They couldn't come off, so I stepped out to the hallway to find out what the heck was going on. 

I started to breathe, uncomfortably. And then the hallway seemed to stretch. Bodies were lying on the ground, dead. 

I just wanted Will. 

He knew how to make everything go away with just one hug and a kiss on my forehead. 

I continued walking further down the hallway and saw blood splattered on the white tiles. Images of dead children lying on the ground passed before my eyes.


"What is happening?" Dr. Owens asked as the monitors beeped rapidly.

"It's (Y/n)." a woman said. "She's going into arrest."

"Okay. That's enough." Dr. Owens raised his voice in panic. "Pull her out. Pull them both out!"


*(Y/n)'s POV*


They had shocked me awake, and I gasped for air. I heard a monitor faintly beeping beside me. "Air!" Dr. Owens ordered as the nurses moved slowly. "Get her some air, for Christ's sake!"

I had no idea where I was now, and I started to hyperventilate. I looked at familiar faces, and beside me, El was there holding my hand. "It's okay, it will take time to adjust." Dr. Brenner said, calmly. El was wrapped in a towel, standing by as they put a gas mask over my face. 

"W-Will..." I whined weakly.

"It's okay, (Y/n), I'm right here-" El started to say, but then I ended up clocking Dr. Brenner in the face with one of the shock pads. "(Y/n)-!?" I left him staggering, and grabbed El's hand.

"Let's go!" I shouted, ripping the mask away from me. "We've got to get out of here!"

The alarms went off again, and we went straight down the hallway. I started furiously pressing the button. Hurry up, you stupid elevator!

"Giving us quite the workout there, little lady!" one of the security men from before said. He was the man who winked at me, and pulled me away from El. "You really wanna do this again?"

They grabbed us and ripped us away from each other. "El!" I shouted, trying to reach for her with my hand, but I was fingertips away. 

"NO!" El shrieked.  

"You can't do this to us!" I cried out.

"Yes, we can." The man who had winked at me said in a sinister-like voice.

They set us down to the ground and we were about to get poked with drugs again. We let out a roar. The piercing, primal roar echoed the ICBM which sent sparks and the men surrounding us flying from us.  

We let out a huge sigh, realizing we were now left alone. I looked at El, and pulled her towards me. We hugged each other tightly. "El, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, are you?" She managed to ask, her voice trembling.

"Remarkable." Dr. Brenner's voice echoed behind us while the lights continued to flicker.

He was standing behind us, and I protected El from him. "Stay away from us." I growled lowly as he walked closer. 

He pulled out a napkin and El stepped in front of me. "She said stay away!" El snarled, holding up her hand, but nothing else happened.

"Hold on a second." I said with my arm around her. "But...just a second ago, your powers, they were-"

Dr. Brenner dabbed at the blood on the side of his lip. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you, two?"

"No way. I-I don't understand." I said again, looking at El who was staring at the palm of her hand in worry.

"I do."

Finally, the elevator behind us opened, and I turned to look over my shoulder. Then, I turned back to Dr. Brenner holding his hand out and El reaching out to him.

"Hold on, El-!" I started to say, but she took it anyways.

I felt blood dripping from my nostrils.

"Papa?" El whispered, and then she looked at me with a tiny nod. 

"Papa." I grumbled, taking his other hand.

Dr. Brenner smiled at us, and took us away from the elevator, "Daughters."

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