Chapter 3: Call Me by My Name (Part 1)

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Gabriel smirked at him.

"Do you two know each other?'' I asked, wide-eyed.

"This is one of the brothers I mentioned earlier,'' Gabriel said to me.


Gabriel laughed. "What's the big deal?''

"We're neighbors!'' I told him. "And ...'' I turned to look at Alexander, and back at Gabriel. "And you're one of the brothers that owns the pub, then!''

"Yeah, we have a pub together,'' Gabriel agreed.

"I work there.''

"Really?'' he smiled at me.

Alexander rolled his eyes and walked around us to sit at my other side.

"Do you want some?'' I asked, offering the plate.

"Thanks,'' he said, reaching for it. A millimeter smile transformed his cruel face.

"Don't eat her food,'' Gabriel snapped. "Rose. Eat at least one.'' He tugged the plate back in front of me.

I hesitated, torn between pleasing both of them.

Alexander tsked at Gabriel. "You'll break her on your first day. Tragic.''

A round of screams erupted from the poker table in the neighboring room, Tommy's howl of triumph chief among them. I jumped.

I hated when Tommy played poker. He took risks in the game till he inevitably lost, and then he got very drunk.

"I was watching them earlier. They're amateurs,'' Alexander said.

A tortilla disappeared into his mouth in one bite.

I stared, and he smirked and pulled my braid.

I turned quickly to Gabriel. "Okay, this one's yours,'' I offered the plate.

He gave me that devastatingly sweet smile and took it.

"What's your last name?'' I asked.

There was a pause.

"Alistair,'' they both said.

Alistair - where had I heard that before?

Gabriel bowed slightly from his seat. "A pleasure to meet you,'' he said lightly.

I giggled. "Rose Mercury,'' I said unnecessarily, half-bowing back.

"How many brothers do you have?'' I asked, leaning forward to be heard.

"There are two besides us,'' Gabriel said. "I'm the second. Alexander is the third.''

"How about a drink?'' Alexander stood and leaned over the table, picking up bottles. "Hey, you bring this, Gabriel?'' He pulled the medicine-like whiskey over, plus a bottle of water and three cups.

"Go easy,'' Gabriel warned him as he poured. At least, that's what I thought he said; it was hard to hear him over the noise.

"I'm adding some water to hers,'' Alexander said, annoyed. He put one of the cups in front of me.

"Taste,'' he ordered.

"This is one of my favorites,'' Gabriel said in my ear.

It tasted like pure evil concentrated into an oily liquid on my tongue. I swallowed, though every muscle in my throat contracted as if to prevent it.

"It's really good,'' I said.

"Great,'' they both said, and Alexander poured me more.

I drank in tiny sips. I broke out in goosebumps and shivers from forcing myself to swallow the thick burn.

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