Chapter 19: Kiss Me (Part 1)

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Ellie circled the house. I sat cross-legged on my bed, committing to memory that this distance at which I sensed her was no more than several hundred feet.

"Got it,'' I told Jane.

Jane swooped out to circle the neighborhood block. I tracked her progress, sensing how she felt farther away, though the resolution with which I knew her location didn't seem to change.

Puck and Robin floated near the floor, halfway under my bed, quiet as always. Lately, though, they liked to be nearer and nearer to me or the portal. I hoped it was a sign that they might start talking soon.

Ellie returned. I nodded at her. She went to trace a circle whose diameter stretched from the corner of Dunbar and Cherry to where Langford met Benjamin, for a diameter of about half a mile. I tracked her progress, sensing her easily.

Jane returned. I nodded, and she went about a mile away.

When the hour was late and we'd established that I began to strain, though only slightly, at fifteen miles, they got bored and came to flip over my bed.

"Well done,'' Ellie said to me. "I think it might take a while to find the real limit, though.''

"Let's play a game,'' Jane said. "Murder in the dark?''

"I have a game,'' I said, clapping my hands. "It's called Stalker Creep, okay, I'm the stalker, and you two move around. You go out and stop at different places. I'll track you and when you come back, I guess all the places where you stopped.''

"Okay,'' Jane said, but without much enthusiasm.

I thought about it. "How about if I guess less than half right, then we share bodies for a bit.''

"Ooh,'' Jane said. "This just got interesting. You're on.''

"What's sharing bodies?'' Ellie asked worriedly.

"It's when Rose takes over my body. It's like a high,'' Jane said.

I sensed Puck's attention sharpen in our direction.

Ellie looked more worried. "Why is it a high? That doesn't sound like something you should do.''

"Take her over,'' Jane ordered me.

Ellie shrieked and shot out the window.

"Consent!'' I shouted at Jane. "You have to give your stalker consent!''

Ellliie, I don't do everything Jane says, I called.

Ellie floated warily back in.

Puck's suspicious gaze bounced between us.

"I have a question,'' Ellie said. "Can one of us take you over?''

"There's the Jackal method,'' Jane mused, "but I don't think Rose enjoys that. And we can't see threads.''

"I don't know. Try to take over my body by thinking about it,'' I suggested. "That's how I do it to you.''

They stared holes into me. They looked constipated. I burst into giggles.

"Somehow, my thoughts don't seem to have a material reality.'' Jane came to float in my body. "Does this do anything?''

"I can't feel a thing.''

"How about now?''


Puck rolled his eyes and retreated back under the bed where Robin was.

"How about now?''

"What are you doing?''

"I'm concentrating.''

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