Weak Mice & Stray Cats

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Mors had never asked his lady wife where she had been that night. Nor had she shown any intent to share such knowledge. There was a obvious tension between the couple however, as Cerelle continued to spend a large part of her time entertaining her niece and Mors continued to entertain various guests in their martial bed. As the days passed on however, they soon found themselves dressing for the Tourney of the King's Hand.

"Lady Lannister," Lord Stark smiled as Cerelle had sat down to join them on the benches by the royal box. "I thought you would be enjoying the fare with the Queen and her children?"

"There is only so much ponce one can take. Even one who is lucky enough to share their blood. I would much rather enjoy such an event with honest Lords such as yourself. And this must be your children?"

"Aye, This is Sansa and Arya. Girls this is Lady Cerelle Lannister, sister to the Queen,"

"It's a honour to meet you Lady Cerelle," Sansa smiled politely.

"Please, just call me Cerelle,"

"You are both so beautiful. The Knights will be fighting for your favour during this Tourney."

This caused Sansa to blush as Arya rolled her eyes and began kicking a stone between her feet. "Although, I can tell you would much rather be off on some wild adventure. Especially in the Red Keep with all its hidden tunnels," Cerelle continued to Arya. "I was much the same at your age. I once made my own fort in the caves under casterlly rock. I enjoyed two nights of freedom down there as I dined on salty seaweed. My father was not much impressed though,"

"There are really tunnels in the keep?"

"Most definitely, some even house the old Dragon skulls from another age. Perhaps Lord Eddard would give us both leave to explore these?"

"Please!" Arya quickly turned around to smile at him.

"I suppose. But myself and one of my guards will join. There will be no fort making and seaweed eating,"

"There's no seaweed in the tunnels!" Arya shot back with a tone of annoyance as she turned back to Cerelle and rolled her eyes.

As the Tourney began, Arya and Sansa sat close to Cerelle as she told them little stories of houses each knight belonged to.

"God's, who is that?" Sansa asked during the event as Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, appeared on the field before them. Cerelle did not answer straight away as she suddenly began to look around for her husband. She had not known he would be here, and if Mors was to see the man that caused their family such pain, she could not bear to think of what action he may take.

"The mountain?" Arya snorted as the voice of littlefinger was heard from behind them.

"The older Clegane," he smirked at the girls.

"If whispers be true, it's was his brave older brother that scared the Prince's dog. Although, I wouldn't go asking questions even if I was a braver man,"

"A braver man would not be spreading whispers in the first place!" Lord Eddard shot back as he pulled his girls back to face the field.

"Lady Cerelle," Littlefinger smiled in greeting as she continued to look at him in distain. "Perhaps those on a more... Intimate level may feel brave enough to speak such things to the hound. What would be your thought?"

"My thought, Ser.... Would be to keep my lips closed in order to keep my neck attached."

As she turned back to the action in front of her, the crowd let out a massive cheer as the handsome Ser Loras Tryell unhorsed the mammoth massive that was Ser Gregor. The cheers quickly turned to silence though as Gregor called for his sword and sliced open the neck of his wild black stallion. His anger then moved on the younger knight. With no sword to defend himself, he quickly began to dodge his blows before Sandor Clegane suddenly appeared on the field. At the sight of her strong and silent acquaintance, Cerelle stood from her seat. With the sound of clashing metal filling the air, she could also hear her heart beating in her chest. Fearing from the man who had shown her a moment of kindness, she looked up to the royal box just as King Robert raised from his seat, demanding an end to the drama.

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