Part 7

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I had packed up my clothes to take back to the house.

If the wardrobe just had enough clothes for 7 days I am sure the other occupants of the house would become suspicious.

I only left some toiletries at the apartment.

I can't believe I was packing up my life for the second time this month.

Harriet had stayed the night with me in the apartment and she helped me pack with a sympathetic look on her face the entire time.

It had pissed me off.

We loaded the boxes in the car and Harriet rubbed my shoulder in sympathy.

"Harry, please" I start.

Her hand dropped.

"What?" She enquired.

"Please don't give me sympathetic looks or touches this week, not only will it make mom suspicious but it makes me feel like an absolute pathetic loser, and I know that's not your intention but it just does" I try not to offend her she was just trying to be there for me.

I watch as Harriet slowly nods.

"Okay y/n I'm sorry I just hate that you are doing this" she motions to the boxes in the car.

"I don't even know what my reaction is going to be when I see Sofia, I can't imagine what yours is going to be like" Harry mumbled out pulling down the car trunk hood.

"I've seen her once and that was more than I wanted to since I left, seeing her isn't going to be the problem, playing happy families is" I walk around to the front of the car and open the door for my sister and motion for her to get in.

She gives me a small smile. 

"You will make a fantastic wife one day y/n, you really are something special"

"Yeah well, I just got to keep a woman first" I sarcastically laughed.

I tapped the roof of the car as I made my way around to the drivers side.

I thought I had found the perfect woman and she just turned out to be a disappointment.

It was 7:25am when Harry and I pulled up at Sofia's, well my house too, we had stopped at Starbucks to get coffee and pastries, I got a non decaf chai latte for Sofia, her favourite just without the caffeine and a croissant.

We got Paulina her favourite too.

Despite everything I still couldn't bring myself to be an asshole.

But I wasn't getting her a caffeinated option, she was pregnant and she would have to start looking after herself and our baby.

That meant no coffee.

I had downloaded an idiots guide to pregnancy last night.

I couldn't sleep anyway so some reading seemed appropriate.

It recommended that no more than 0.75 milligrams of caffeine a day, if any.

So as long I was around, that's all she would be having.

It also mentioned plenty of vitamins and a list of foods that she should be eating. Given that she was 3 months pregnant her diet really needed to change.

Sofia should be due for her scan any day now. I was excited at the prospect of seeing the baby on the screen but also terrified as it would make all of this, suddenly very real.

Not just the baby, the whole shit that got us here.

I pull the car into the drive way and place the car into park.

I Love You, But (Sofia Carson/You)Where stories live. Discover now