Chapter 2

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Leaned back against the passenger seat in his car, I rubbed the top of my stomach anxiously. We were outside of my parents' home, and I couldn't find it in myself to get out of the vehicle.

Growing up my parents were strict. I'm the baby. The youngest of three older brothers and they were protective of me. Not in an overbearing way but one in which I felt I couldn't really grow as an individual. Not knowing just who I was outside of my family.

Meeting Jack and moving away made me view life much differently. The life I had growing up with my family, the life I had developed when I met him, and my life now. I should've listened to my father. He had always told me, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

And I chose to ignore those red flags in Jack. Look where that got me.

Feeling Arsenio's large fist move over to hold my shaking one, I look at over to his face. Arsenio never changed; he still was the same man I liked so long ago, thoughtful and kind. However, he is much bigger and more rugged. It was sexy but I shouldn't like him.

I'm about to be a mother, one with clear issues following me everywhere. I still had so much to work on internally, I couldn't be focused on love. Besides, after his reaction to me being pregnant I don't think it'll work.

"You can do this alright..." he murmured looking down at me.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"It's just the nerves," he hummed engulfing my hand in his, "I'm going to be by your side okay, through it all."

And he didn't just mean the talk.

Flashback to restaurant...

Arsenio was silent, his eyes narrowed in on the roundness of her stomach. Samara felt uneasy under that stare, she couldn't tell what he was feeling or even thinking.

Arsenio couldn't decipher all the emotions he was feeling but one took over. Regret. Regretting that he didn't follow her and ignore the little red flags that lit when he saw them together. The things he had heard Jack utter and even the little comments Jack would make towards the family. He was angry that he didn't do more and be there for her.

Although now he could be. Samara was the only woman he had ever loved and that hadn't changed. Her being pregnant changed things but never how he felt about her. He was going to be there for her, whether she needed him or not.

"How are you feeling?" Arsenio asked stepping closer to her.

"Too much," Samara cried out wiping her tears, confused at the look displayed on his face, "There's just so much I'm feeling but most of all relieved."


"That I'm no longer on my own."

It was quite ironic that Samara was glad she was no longer on her own. She craved being an individual, learning who she is outside of her family and the confines of her home. Yet, after experiencing Jack and all the things he's done to her, the isolation end emotional abuse, Samara needed company. She needed it with the ones who loved her the most in this time.

She couldn't quite gauge what Arsenio was feeling based on the look on his face. It made her nervous that maybe things have changed and he wasn't the same friend he was in the past, but she had to understand that time had passed and maybe things wouldn't go back to the way it was. She had just hoped that he would still be able to help her in this time. In the way she needed him to.

End of Flashback...

"Want me to head inside first?" Arsenio asked watching my slow breaths.

"Please, I think I just need a couple minutes..."

He nodded then nodded again unlocking his door, he leaned over giving my forehead the faintest kiss before heading up the steps to my childhood home.

I watch his movements with a flutter in my heart. How he still managed to make me feel like this was wonders to me. Shaking my head, I look down at my belly. This is all for the baby. This was all for me.

It pained me to watch the home I had grown up in right in front of my eyes. For years I had dreaded coming back. I had remembered who I thought I was while living in the home, all of my emotion's feelings come wash him back to mind. The little arguments and seclusions of myself, trying to figure out who I am and pushing away those who loved me most.

The house didn't have all bad memories. Memories of my father teaching me everything about art, the one thing I love the most in the world. Starting afternoons painting on canvases in the yard while the sunflowers in my mother's garden bloom in the background. Memories of my brothers playing soccer with me, kicking the ball around as our parents watch from the patio of our backyard. Memories of just family and love and support, some memories that have clearly been locked away.

And now they were all rushing back.

Unlocking the car door, I shut it making my way slowly up the steps. I can no longer live in the fear of the past and things that I've done. I hear the laughing inside of my entire family and hesitate. I need to move forward, not just for my child but for myself.

Now or never.

I open the door slowly turning it and the eyes dart from Arsenio to me widening in shock.


What do you think the families reaction will be? what do you think will happen next? also what would you like to see out in this story? Comment Below

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