Chapter 6

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Hello Everyone! Sorry for the late chapters, had a busy couple of weeks and a bit of a hard time when it came to writing chapters. But I'm back with some inspiration.


Elijah stood with arms crossed observing as I washed my shaking hands. Out of all my brothers to find out first I would've thought it to be Amari. He would've noticed my tells. But it was Elijah.

"Salt, that was the biggest give away," he whispered out as I dry my hands with the clean paper towels, "You hate salt being added to your foods. Everytime we make eggs, you prefer no salt and yet when mom added it to dinner you ate it. You're also not the biggest fan of salty foods but you've been adding a lot to your diet."

Wiping the towels on my mouth, I toss them into the trash can leaning against the wall across from him.

"Maybe I've developed a love for all things salty..."

"Janette carried herself the same way you are, seems I am able to tell when women in our families are pregnant," Elijah stated, "When were you planning on telling us? Or telling me?"

The thing is as close as I was with my family, I was the closest with Elijah. Being that he is only a year older than me, our entire lives we were joined at the hip. We went to the same schools, did the same sports and activities, and even had the same groups of friends. Although Nathan wasn't that much older and Amari as well, they had gone to separate schools than the two of us.

"Because telling would lead to questions, questions I don't want to answer just yet."

"What else are you hiding Samara?" His tone was hardened.

"I just got home...please. I just need a fresh start," I pleaded softly, looking away from him.

Elijah could tell something was off, maybe it was the wobble in my tone of voice or how I constantly looked away from him. He had always known when I was lying or trying to hide something since we were young.

When I accidentally broke my fathers racing trophy he had found it and helped me to super glue it back together. When I had lost my mothers class ring and felt so awful about it, he helped me locate it. Even when I had my first heartbreak, he was the one who was there for every moment and helping me to get to my former self. He was my best friend.

He dropped his shoulders and an angered look on his face, he couldn't tell I wouldn't spill. At least not yet to him.

"Fine, I will let it go..."

"Thank you-."

"Only... if you agree to a roommate."

A roommate, why would he... no way!

"Eli no! You are not moving in with me."

"Hmm," He tutted before opening the bathroom door, "I guess I'll tell mom she's going to be a grandmother again..."

"No! Elijah that's not fair."

"What's not fair is my little sister thinking that after years she can come back, hide things from us and not think we are going to worry or be there for her. You're pregnant and clearly don't want everyone to know for whatever reason, so let me be there. The person who knows and wants to help you. Let me be there."

He made a fair point.

Although I can take care of myself, it wasn't just about myself anymore. Living in a new city and adjusting to a life on my own would be hard, however having my brother by my side would make things better, easier. Now maybe I can actually take a breath and feel safe in the comfort of my new home.

Maybe I can finally live again.


Arsenio held a couple boxes in hand walking into the apartment. My father and Amari followed behind carrying pieces of my bed frames. Elijah followed behind with a cheeky look dragging in his items with Nathan beside him. My mother looked around pushing the sunglasses to the top of her head pushing her hair back.

"This is nice, three beds and one bath. Although the living area is small, the kitchen makes up for it. How'd you find this place?"

These apartments were a rare commodity, that much my mother knew. However, Mina had a friend who she knew owned the complex and brought it up to her. Thus handing it to me as a way to get me out of there. I would have to message her soon, update her on everything.

"A friend helped me out, I had saved some money and found the perfect spot."

"And Elijah is staying with you," She raised an eyebrow while crossing her arms, "You agreed to that?"

"He made good points. A single woman living alone in an apartment needs someone close by to watch out for her. Who better than her brother who gets on her nerves?"

The two laughed while walking into the kitchen as the men paced back down to the trucks, grabbing more items for the home.

"So I was thinking, if you're up to it, we can go shopping tomorrow. Maybe grab some furniture, some plants to liven up the place, what do you think?" She asked, sitting her bag on the island in the middle of the kitchen area.

"I actually have an appointment at the doctors in the morning, a meeting in the afternoon, and an interview in the afternoon."

Her face had dropped.

"But I can call you after, we can go once I finish."

Her face lifted.

"Do you need a ride? I know you've been catching rides with Arsenio but I could always bring you wherever you need."

Shit, one of those appointments is me dropping by the police station to give a statement and see what they could do. I didn't want my parents knowing anything besides us breaking up.

"You know I don't mind bringing Samara where she needs to go. Besides, she promised me lunch tomorrow," Arsenio says, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water in the fridge.

"Lunch..." My mother gives me a look and Arsenio leaves towards the room Elijah has taken over, "Is there something with-."

"Mom!" A blush took over my cheeks.

"What? What did I say?!"

I laugh, which is all I really can do at this moment. There was a lot circling my mind at the moment but love and dating wasn't one of them. There was so much I had to do, to prepare, and get my life sorted. I turned down Arsenio's proposal to work at the restaurant in another role. Not only would it be unfair to others potentially needing the role, but I also needed something less recognizable.

Jack knew Arsenio, knew his career, therefore working there would not be idle in my case. I'm trying to remain hidden, so an interview for the local newspaper would work out better in my favor.

So handling all my business, getting a new job, staying in good health, going down to the station to report, and getting as much knowledge as I can about being a first time mom. There was a lot to do but I can do it.


How did you like chapter 6?

So far its Elijah and Arsenio in the know about the pregnancy, but ho do you think will find out next? What do you think will happen next, comment below!

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