Chapter 4

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After reuniting with my family and embracing my brothers, my mother had begged me to stay over that evening. I wasn't planning on spending the night or staying in my childhood home but the look on her face had deterred me. There was still that fear that I could disappear at any moment, that this was all just a dream in my mother's eyes. But it wasn't.

To make her happy, make my family happy, I had agreed.

As they began preparing dinner in the kitchen, I made my way up the staircase to my old bedroom. Turning down the hall, I made my way to the furthest door and stand in front of it. Turning the handle, I push the door open, and a wave of nostalgia hits me.

Everything had looked the same, although my bed has been made and my plants seemed to be thriving, it was just as I had left it. Running my fingers along my desk, not a hint of dust on my fingers had me a bit confused.

"There was always a piece of her that thought, maybe knew, you would be coming back," Amari, my eldest brother, stated leaning against the doorway, "She made sure your room was cleaned and ready every single week."

I glance back at him with a saddened smile looking over my old books and pictures, picking up one image of Jack and I from years ago. I was freshly 19, smiling wide at my birthday party with my arms wrapped around him and an innocent smile of his face with his arm around me. We were so different; everything was so different.

Moving to my bed, I sit down on the soft mattress with a sigh. I didn't realize just how much I would be feeling in this moment now back at home and the cramping that I've been having for the past couple days didn't help. My early symptoms have been kicking my ass these last couple weeks, the headaches, cramping, and nausea. I would have to find a local doctor soon to speak with soon.

"You okay?" Amari asks noticing the grimace of pain that briefly graced my face and coming beside me sitting on the bed.

"Just tired, I've had a long couple of days."

"Do you want to talk about it? You know you can tell me anything."

"Not yet."

He nods looking around the room before landing on the picture of Jack and me.

"You and Jack, are you done?" He asked softly afraid he may have asked the wrong questions.

"Yall better be done! I was sick of that guy and his shit!" Elijah, the youngest and loudest of my brothers, shouts out entering the room sitting on the chair by my desk.

Nathan, my other brother, smacked the back of Elijah's head rolling his eyes, "Really? Have some sympathy, Eli."

Looking around at the three of them my eyes begin to water briefly, fuck I was hoping this wouldn't happen. Nathan sees this and hits Elijah again before kneeling in front of me.

"Fuck, sorry Samara, he didn't mean that, don't cry!"

Amari wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head onto him trying to stop the tears. My hormones are out of control, I have never let my brothers see me cry, only as a child. I had to always try to be strong and not let what others may have said or done affect me, I bottled everything inside. Yet now everything seems to affect me, and my emotions show it.

"I'm sorry Samara, stop crying now," Elijah says scratching the back of his head looking away.

"It's not that, I just..." Am pregnant and my emotions on everything is all over the place "Really missed you guys."

Elijah raised an eyebrow before Nathan motioned for him to come over and they wrapped me in a group hug.

"We missed you too Samara..."

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