Chapter 3

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The silence was deafening as all heads tilted towards the opening of the front door. My mother's eyes brimmed with tears as she rose slowly from the couch, eyes shifting to the door as if I may leave. My brothers sat in shock by Arsenio as my mother stood before me cupping my cheeks.


The sniffles were loud as she kissed my head bringing me into her arms, whispering thanks to God for bringing me home. My trembling arms reach around her, tightening my hold as a tear drops from my eye.

"Hi, mom," I whisper under my breath as she shakes holding on as tight as she can.

I was gone for a long time with no communication or connection with them, it's understandable why she would hold on so tightly. Afraid, I could disappear once again and never to be heard or see from again. They didn't know whether I was alive or dead and that must've been eating at them.

And as a mother, I couldn't even imagine how she was feeling in this moment. Or even that past year and some time I've been away.

"Samara... my sweet girl...," My mother pulled me back looking down my body before pulling me back into a hug.

Her eyes didn't give away that she noticed much, although I am very early in my pregnancy. I just wouldn't want my family knowing, at least not yet. My eyes shifted to my brothers now standing with heavy looks on their faces. Arsenio was leaned against the wall, eyes downcast allowing them to treasure the moment.

"I missed you so much mommy," I whisper in her ear, "I'm so sorry-."

"I don't want to hear sorry from you...I'm just so happy, you're okay," She wiped her eye looking towards the sofa at my father.

Standing from his arm chair, he casted a subtle glance before moving out the backdoor onto the patio. My heart ached watching the saddened look on his face, as he walked outside and out of our view. My mother squeezed my arm as she watched my expression over my father.

"He took it really hard when you left... he blames himself mostly."

I point outside and my brothers nod in understanding. Our reunion would just have to pause for a moment, I needed to speak with my father.

Opening the sliding door, I turn my head in search of my father. Walking down the wooden steps my eyes fixate on his form standing by the tall old oak tree. The tree where he built my first ever tree house, tire swing, and where we had carved our initials for memories in it. The tree that held every memory.

Being back in my childhood home now pregnant and somewhat starting my life over was never wracking. Being back in my families lives and trying to navigate my life would be difficult but it is something I have to do. Looking at the tree my heart thuds harshly in my chest, I would one day have a child who would create these memories as well. And that scares the shit out of me.

My steps where soft yet I knew he had heard my presence as I strolled to where he stood. Standing beside him, I watched as he traced our initials with his finger before pulling back.

"I remember vividly when I had finally finished the treehouse for you. You were so excited to finally have your own place away from you brothers and even called it your castle. You put up a big sign that said no boys allowed, yet I was the exception because "Daddy is the only nice boy and he will be the knight for the castle."

We both let out a soft laugh as a dropped my head against his arm, holding onto that same arm with my other palm.

"That same day I had also promised you something. That I would always protect you, be there for you, and I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Not just as a knight but as you're father. I failed you. I made so many promises and tried so hard to do what I thought was best for you... And I didn't... I failed in doing so..."

And this made me cry. My father with tears falling down his face, so upset over thinking he had failed me. He couldn't ever fail me, and that would be my worst fear. Thinking I could ever fail my child.

I had never seen my father cry in my entire life, he was always so strong and didn't seem to let anything affect him. Or anything that his kids would see affect him. Not when he had lost his job, not when he had broken his leg, and not when our family dog had died. It was all suppressed inside of him yet not all the tears where coming out as his body shook.

"Daddy... you didn't fail me..." I whisper squeezing him tightly.

"Of course I did, you didn't even want to be around the family because of how we treated you..."

I grimaced as I wiped the tear streaks on my cheeks, "It wasn't... it was more complicated than that Daddy. But you guys did nothing wrong and-and I'm back. I won't ever leave the way I did again. I love you so much."

Shooting out his arm, he pulls me into a tight embrace I can't help but return. Being back in his arms, inhaling his signature scent sent a wave of homesickness in me. Although there was some things I would've changed from my past it didn't deter how much I missed my family, how much I loved my entire family.

"I love you so much Samara. And I know your mother will be so happy her daughter is back under her roof," My father had laughed as we walked arms locked towards the house.

"Umm actually, I'm not coming back home," I rushed out as we walked back inside to the rest of the family.



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