Chapter 3

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The next day, Jimin was eager to see Jungkook again, showing up 20 minutes early to their meeting spot. To his surprise, Jungkook was already waiting.

"Hey! I finished a bit early with my morning lesson, so I thought I'd head on over. If you want, we can begin now?" He grinned boyishly at Jimin, and for a minute, Jimin wanted to laugh at the idea that this was his 'instructor'. He was too busy swooning over how cute he looked with his hour tousled and his eyes sparkling to think about it for long though.

The pair hit the easy slopes pretty quickly, Jimin coasting down the tiny hill with ease under Jungkook's watchful gaze. Today, they would try some of the real trails.

He thought he'd be more nervous honestly, but Hoseok was right- it was like riding a bicycle. Even when Jimin's brain froze and freaked out for a second, his body was already moving to keep him floating easily through the snow.

He'd forgotten how amazing it felt. Even just these tiny little beginner hills were making his heart beat in thrilling anticipation. It had been so long!

"You look great!" Jungkook shouted as the two of them slid to a stop at the base. "Much better than yesterday."

Jimin laughed delightedly, breath coming in quick gasps of excitement. "Oh my god, I'd forgotten how awesome this felt!" He spun around to face Jungkook, but in his excitement, he misjudged how close the two were standing and that they were, in fact, still on skis.

With a yelp and a tangle of skis, Jimin tipped forward and slammed into Jungkook's chest, the younger boy quickly grabbing him and wrapping him in his long arms so he wouldn't fall. Jimin's heart was pounding for a whole different reason now as he looked up cautiously and saw Jungkook grinning down at him.

"I might have to take back my statement," Jungkook teased. Embarrassed, Jimin tried to scramble back to his feet but only ended up sending himself tumbling to the ground instead. "Oh my god," he groaned, burying his face in his snow-covered gloves while Jungkook laughed.

"Here." Jungkook extended a hand to help haul Jimin to his feet, reaching out to help brush some snow off the other boy's clothes. Jimin hoped his red cheeks would simply be attributed to the cold rather than anything else.

"Come on," Jungkook beckoned. "The only way to get better is more practice." He pushed off suddenly, leaving Jimin to hustle to follow after.

The two of them weaved in between other skiers as they made their way to a lift that would take them to a slightly harder slope where Jungkook could get a better look at how Jimin handled the terrain.

As they made their way across the snow, Jimin admired the easy grace Jungkook moved with, skiing with an ease that spoke of years of experience and training.

And his ass. He was also definitely admiring his ass. (It was a pretty fantastic ass.)

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"So, do you want to get coffee again?" This time it was Jungkook who asked. Jimin's heart quickened with hope as he eyed the eager expression on the younger boy's face.

"Yeah, sure," he said. "I'd love to." Jungkook smiled at his words, urging them towards the ski lockers so they could drop their gear off instead of having to haul it through town.

Jimin tried not to stare as the other boy shucked his jacket off so he could remove one of his layers now that they were headed somewhere warmer. A thin sliver of toned abs peeked out as he pulled a thick fleece quarter-zip over his head, the little slip of skin already enough to make Jimin's mouth dry. Ten bucks on Jungkook having a six-pack.

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