Chapter 2

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Jimin's friends, of course, were merciless in their teasing, pestering Jimin about his flustered words for the rest of the day. Jimin took it good-naturedly, he was still pretty embarrassed himself, and Jungkook was seriously his type. Like, have you ever seen someone more perfect??

"But what if I never see him again? What if we never get a chance to talk? What if I'm just doomed to be alone forever!" The boys were lounging in their cabin that evening, the tv playing some random drama and everyone either on their phone or their computer. Nobody even blinked at Jimin's dramatic cry, more than used to such displays.

"I'm a little offended," Taehyung spoke up. "You're not alone, you have me!" Jimin just shot him a glare that clearly said 'you know what I mean'. He got a cheeky grin in response. "It's too bad Hoseok doesn't know him. Then he could set you guys up."

"Hm?" Hoseok didn't even look up from his phone, having clearly not recognized anything but his name. Jimin and Taehyung tended to slip into English together out of habit.

"What was his last name again? Jung?" Jimin answered Taehyung before his brain even processed the question. "Jeon, not Jung."

Taehyung smirked at him over his screen, Jimin's cheeks flushing lightly. "What? I paid attention, sue me. I'm actually polite that way," he tried to pull off. He buried his face back into his phone when Taehyung just laughed at his attempt.

A few minutes of typing later, the younger boy spoke up again. "Got it! Jeon Jungkook, certified ski instructor. He teaches private lessons every day, and one group lesson every other day."

"What?" Jimin's head popped up, brow furrowed. "Did you google him?!" Taehyung laughed as Jimin scrambled over the coffee table to throw himself over Taehyung's lap, twisting the computer around to see the screen. "Of course not," he chided. "I searched on Naver."

Jimin's elbow slammed into Taehyung's gut hard enough to make him wheeze, but he still managed to laugh. "Hey! At least that means he's got to be an adult. No preying on teenagers, Jimin-ah, that's creepy."

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin pounced, merciless. His knees and elbows went flying, digging into Taehyung where he squirmed and laughed underneath him. Jimin's hands were slapping pointlessly against his arms like kids having a catfight.

Hoseok, by now, had caught on to the chaos and came over to inspect. "What's this?" he asked, peering at the abandoned screen. "You found Jimin's little crush?"

"It's not a crush, hyung!" Jimin whined, flipping to Korean so Hoseok could take part. "Yes, it is," Taehyugn easily dismissed. "He's a ski instructor here, Seokkie-hyung, I can't believe you don't know him."

"I don't know everyone who works here personally!" Hoseok shot back. "Do you know how many employees there are??"

"Well, damn it. Now you can't introduce him to Jimin so they can fall in love and go skiing off into the sunset together."

"Taehyung!" Jimin grabbed the nearest couch cushion and flung it at Taehyung's head, computer screen forgotten in return for his friend's demise. The two of them fell off the couch together, Taehyung laughing hysterically as he darted out of reach, Jimin chasing him with the pillow held high.

Hoseok just sighed, carefully moving the fragile computer out of the war zone. "Children, please," he scolded. "There's clearly an easy solution here."

"Huh?" Taehyung skid to a stop, Jimin slamming into him from behind and sending both tumbling to the floor. Like the children Hoseok deemed them to be, they slapped childishly at each other as they pulled themselves to a sit. "What's that hyung?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes fondly, turning the computer so the two younger boys could scooch forward and see the screen. "This Jungkook teaches ski lessons. So if we want Jimin to have a chance to meet him again, all we have to do is sign him up!"

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