Chapter 8

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Jimin had always loved winter.

It was beautiful. Everything cold and white and frozen. Maybe to some people that would sound lonely or sad, but to Jimin it was gorgeous. The morning dawned with a golden light shimmering against the snow, and Jimin felt warm and content, wrapped in Jungkook's embrace and glowing from the inside out.

He rolled over, drinking in the soft features of a sleeping Jungkook. He looked young like this. Young and soft and so so beautiful. Jimin couldn't leave this boy. His heart wouldn't be able to take it.

"Jungkook," he whispered. "Jungkookie, wake up."

He knew Jungkook still had morning lessons today, but Jimin only had a few hours until his vacation was technically over. He had made his decision, but now he needed to see it through.

"Jungkookiieeee. Wake up." He leaned over and pressed a hard kiss to the boy's lips, smiling against them when he felt him instinctively kiss back. His eyelids fluttered open, blinking in the morning light.

"G'mornin," he rasped. Jimin smiled at him, feeling Jungkook tug him closer where his arms were wrapped around Jimin's body. Morning snuggles were the best.

"It's my last day," Jimin reminded the boy. He didn't want to break the mood, but he needed to talk to Jungkook before he had to get to work. Jungkook frowned, shaking his head.

"Nooo," he whined, pouting adorably. His grip tightened around Jimin.

"Yesss," Jimin said back, giggling at the little bunny pout. "I have to go pack before they kick us out of the cabin." Jungkook groaned, throwing an arm over his face as he rolled onto his back.

"Whyyy," he whined again. He pushed himself up so he was propped against the headboard, Jimin joining him and leaning against his still naked chest, propping his chin on Jungkook's collarbone so he could look up at him.

"Sorry. But this is all we paid for. We're going to have to leave by noon." He watched Jungkook shake the morning haze from his mind as he frowned down at the older boy.

"I don't want to say goodbye," he whispered, eyes dark and sad. Jimin tried to match his seriousness for all of one second before he broke into a wide grin, Jungkook's brow furrowing in confusion.

"Then how about a 'see you soon' instead?" he asked. He watched Jungkook's nose scrunch up as he cocked his head to the side. "Huh?"

Jimin sat up fully, throwing a leg over Jungkook's lap so he was straddling the taller boy, reaching out to clasp their hands together in between them.

"Jeon Jungkook, I like you very much. And I would like to get to know you for longer than five days," he said. Jungkook still looked confused, but he nodded all the same. "Me too," he said. "I'd like that very much."

"So what I need to ask you is- would you, would you like me to stay? Not here, at the resort, but here in South Korea. Stay here in South Korea so we can get to know each other. Because, because I really like you, Jungkook-ah, and I'm not ready to say goodbye."

Jungkook seemed to have caught onto the seriousness, sitting up straighter and squeezing their hands. "Stay in Korea? For me? Jimin-hyung, I can't ask you to do that."

"I want to," Jimin stressed. "The only thing keeping me in Canada was my skiing. But I can do that here in Korea, too. My family is here. My friends want to be here. And- and you are here. So I want to stay. Now," he took a deep breath, "Do you want me to?"

Jungkook was gaping at him, but his face was brightening, eyes starting to sparkle again. "You're serious?" he clarified. "This is really what you want?" Jimin nodded emphatically. "Then yes! Yes, yes, of course I want you to stay!"

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