Chapter 4

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Back at the cabin, Jimin recounted the entire story of the mural to an enraptured Taehyung and Hoseok. "Oh, Minnie," Taehyung teased. "You're such a goner."

"Well, who wouldn't be!" Jimin shot back. He sighed, thinking about the way Jungkook had held his hand all the way back to the lift. The way he'd sometimes squeeze it gently in time to his words, or swing them slightly as he skipped along. Yeah, maybe he was a goner.

"He's perfect, Tae," Jimin said sincerely. "It's not just that he's cute anymore. He's kind and gentle and funny. I mean, that whole story about the youth group? I nearly felt like crying!" He collapsed back against the couch, letting his head roll to the side. "I don't think this is just some crush anymore."

Taehyung scooted closer, his own face growing more serious. "So it's not just a crush," he agreed. "Why do you sound so sad about that?"

Jimin thought for a moment before answering. "Because if it was just attraction, then that's fine. I could tell him I liked him and enjoy the next few days. But this, I- I think I'm a little bit in love with him TaeTae. If I tell him I like him now, I'm going to want so much more than just a couple nights. I'm going to want more than just this vacation."

He'd slipped into English without realizing it, and Taehyung was giving him a sad, understanding look. They both unconsciously flicked their eyes towards Hoseok, who was watching the two with confusion but rubbing a soft thumb over Jimin's arm in comfort regardless.

"I know what you mean," Taehyung said. He hadn't forgotten about his part of the deal in this mess. "If you spend the next couple days together, you think you're going to fall in love. And then we have to go back."

Jimin just nodded sadly. Taehyung sighed and slid down to rest himself half in Jimin's lap and half in Hoseok's. "I wish I could tell you what to do," he said. "But to be honest, I'm not sure, Minnie. If you really like this guy, I want to say go for it. But I know how hard it's going to be to have to say goodbye."

"Yeah," Jimin agreed softly. "Yeah, it just sucks doesn't it?"

Taehyung nodded, playing gently with the fingers of Hoseok's free hand. The older boy was being very patient, understanding that this was a conversation for the two friends.

"I think you should tell him," Taehyung settled on. "I think....I think you should enjoy the next couple of days. You still have him for two more lessons, so you're going to have to see him regardless. At least this way you can enjoy the time you spend together, and it would be just as hard at the end regardless, I know you."

Jimin had to admit he was right. Two more days of lessons and coffee dates, and Jimin just knew his feelings would only grow. If he wanted anything more with Jungkook, he needed to tell him sooner rather than later.

And speak of the devil, that would be Jimin's phone going off. "Hey, look," Taehyung said giggling. "It's Jungkook!"

"Give me that!" Jimin yelped, stretching across his friend's lap to reach for the phone. Taehyung already had the message open, the nosey brat, and he wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin before tossing it to him. "I think someone just asked you out!"

"What?" Jimin quickly turned the phone around to read for himself.

'Hey, Jimin-hyung! It's Jungkook btw. So, some of the staff members are doing a little karaoke night down in the village in a few hours, and I wanted to know if you'd like to come! It's super casual but always a big hit with the tourists, so I thought you might enjoy!'

A second message popped up just as he'd finished reading the first. 'I'd really enjoy hanging out with you more. Hope you can make it!'

"Oh my god," he said. He shot Taehyung a frantic look. "What do I do? Do I go??"

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