Chapter 9: The Purification Ritual-Part One

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Chihiro runs as fast as she can, back up the hill and through the overgrown path to the bathhouse, her lungs feeling  like ice as she tries to keep her panic at bay. As she fumbles through the foliage, her mind races through everything that she has learned about purifying spirits so far. It wouldn't be the first time Chihiro has done so, she had purified little spirits before with basic rituals like water cleansing and her singing, however something of this magnitude is on an entire level of skill that she isn't confident she possesses.

Yet even so, Chihiro forces her legs to run faster, despite everything she has to at least try, she couldn't save her grandparents...and it was her fault, because she had failed. This time however...she will redeem herself, she will save these kids no matter the risk, she has to be worthy of the title of 'Blessed', she can't fail again, she just can't. Finally, Chihiro bursts through the old side gate just beyond the bridge, and this time without bothering to hide herself, she crosses the bridge not caring if she ruffles a few spirits feathers as she forces her way passed them.

Ignoring everyones stares and whispers as she charges through the bustling halls of the humid and steamy ground floor, Haku could call out to her right now and Chihiro would still ignore even him. Chihiro finally reaches the floors elevator, pressing the button impatiently as she waits for the elevator to come collect her. She is practically bouncing on her toes and when the elevator door finally opens, she makes her way in and immediately pulls the lever to her right making sure to press the floor number to Lins room, Chihiro didn't remember those buttons being there the last time she was here all those years ago, seems Haku had updated the place a little.

Thankfully, the elevator remains empty and Chihiro uses this moment to try and calm herself, to find her Zen. To deal with something like this, you need a clear head and she can't let fear and panic cloud her judgment. To distract herself she wonders if Lin was okay, and if Haku had caught up with her yet...she hopes that Lin doesn't get in too much trouble after all her friend was only trying to cheer her up.

Finally, as the elevator dings and opens up to the fourth floor, she bursts through the doors and starts running down the hall towards Lins room...trying to remember the room number, was it room 104? Finally, she spies the door and immediately tries open it, however it wouldn't was locked and she had nothing to pick the lock with.

"Crap!" Chihiro all but curses, as she tries to force the door open, but no dice.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, she is suddenly stuck with a crazy thought...didn't Lin have a window?? Looking around the hall she hoped to find something...however she couldn't see anything that could be of use to her. That is until suddenly, a door on the opposite end of the hall opened and a frog worker pushing a cart of cooked meals made his way out, and then locks the door.

Her eyes immediately landed on the set of keys in the frogs hand...there was so many that it almost took up all the space where they hung. She then makes her way down the hall and then yanks the keys from the frogs hand, causing the frog to stutter in shock.

"Sorry but I need to borrow these, it's an emergency" she says curtly, ignoring the frogs complaints and curses as she made her way back to Lins door. The frog then scampers off, and Chihiro could have sworn she heard him call out Haku's name but she was too busy sorting through the numerous keys in her hands.

After a little fumbling she finally finds key 104, this had to be it! Chihiro jiggles the key into Lins door, and thankfully it opened. Leaving the keys in the door, she immediately makes her way to her luggage where her Shrine maidens uniform sat folded on-top of it.

Getting out of the bathhouse uniform, Chihiro re-dons her maiden outfit before unzipping her luggage. Her mind fumbles as she tries to remember what she would need, her fans perhaps? Chihiro then remembers that she had packed the advanced training books that she has yet to go over, surely one of them will have something on advanced purification rituals...right?

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