Chapter 12: Recovery

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Thankfully, Haku had let the topic of her mysterious weapon go, though the look he gave her said that it was only for now. Instead, they got more comfortable and began to talk about everything and anything, they had 7 years of catching up to do after all. It was nice to finally just enjoy their reunion, even if it would only be a temporary distraction from the reality she still faces.

Haku spoke of how he used his enslavement with Yubaba to his advantage after she left, he seemed pretty proud of himself over this fact. All but confirming what Lin had already informed her about the dragon's quest for revenge on the witch, though she doesn't exactly approve of revenge. She can't exactly blame him either though, the witch had apparently controlled him to do terrible things and of course took away his identity, all but assuring his demise as a river god.

Even to this day, Chihiro could sometimes remember the feel of the mind-controlling slug that she squished with her foot, she sometimes half expects to see the bottom of her foot stained black. Apparently, being Yubaba's henchman gave Haku access and knowledge to a lot of Yubaba's dirty secrets, and Haku was apparently all too happy to exploit them. Apparently no-one knew that she had been stealing spirits names in the first place, which was apparently very illegal as it overwrites a spirits original purpose, leaving their purpose to slowly die at the hands of time and neglect. Haku was a prime example...though he had other issues on top of that.

"Knowledge is power Chihiro, never forget that" Haku states as he sits back on his hands, sitting comfortably on his giant bed cross legged. At this moment his expression truly does make him look every bit the cunning dragon that Lin says he is. A very tired dragon...but cunning nevertheless, has he been sleeping properly?

"Noted" Chihiro smirks until a thought comes to her, and she isn't really sure she should pry...however, as usual Chihiro was far too curious for her own good "I got to ask though...what made you go to Yubaba in the first place?" she asks taking yet another sip of water.

Chihiro was already on to her third cup of water, at this rate she will be running for the bathroom in no time...that's if she can even run let alone stand. Haku stills for a moment, a look of indecision on his face, eventually after a few more moments he eases, though he seems oddly a little guarded...or maybe guarded isnt quite the right word...cautious maybe?

"As I had said, after I regained my memories I found out that I had already figured out how to save my river before I was enslaved. However as I also said earlier, I am still very young for a spirit compared to many, and back then I lacked the power and the knowledge... I knew not of any magic outside of my own. However, the two twin witches have always been very well known to be two of the most knowledgeable and powerful witches in the spirit world. Being the naive fool I was I decided to seek their help, I thought that if anyone knew a spell on how to cut the link tethering a god to the human world it would be them" Haku explains.

"So you wanted to save your river by disconnecting from the human world? Wouldn't that make it worse?" She asks, her curiosity only getting worse.

"No...leaving a god's bonded form connected is actually least with the connection cut, no more impurities can be drawn in from the human world. Having a constant flow of impurities defiling you, makes it extremely hard to maintain the counterpart on this side of the veil, pretty much impossible" Haku explains, understanding finally dawns on her.

"Oh! I get it now, with no more additional impurities to worry about you would have been able to maintain your river like normal again, and with the connection cut it wouldnt be able to come back!" Chihiro says out loud and blushes slightly, as she finds herself embarrassed at how loud mouthed she can be at times. However Haku merely smiles, though she couldn't help but notice the dragons severe melancholy, Lin was right...Haku...was not as okay as he made himself look.

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