Chapter One: Muichiro and Yuichiro

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It was in the early morning, sunlight growing on the Japanese landscapes, a signs that a new day had begun. Though for demons like Kokushibo, it was a sign of death. Kokushibo found a good enough cave and settled down in it, hidden from the sunlight that would burn his demonic flesh.

That's when two young boys- twins- walked in "Mui. Mui, come on, come on!"


"I'm right here."

"Go home, children." Kokushibo said coldly as they slowly got nearer to him. "It is not safe... for you here." Both of the boys stopped and squinted at the darkness, barely able to make out the tall man's outline.

They just stared forward, the shadows covering his multiple eyes. They only seemed to be five or six. 'Who let's children that young walk around by themselves?' Kokushibo mentally scolded whoever let their children out.

"I said leave... now." Kokushibo said once more. "Bleh, you suck!" On of them said and stuck out their tongue, making Kokushibo's eyes widen. As they left, Kokushibo looked at them with curious eyes. He tilted his head and looked closely at their muscles, blood, and body structure.

He quickly tightened his grip on his pants, his teeth clenching together. They were... his. His descendants from his life as Michikatsu. 'That's why they remind me of... me and him.'

This should be interesting.


The next time Kokushibo saw them was on an overcast day in the winter, when he sat down near a River, protected from the sun. He splashed some cold water on his face, clearing away some of the dirt that sat on his skin.

That's when he had heard them, giggling and stomping around with puffy, oversized jackets that covered most of their body. "Wha!" One of then cried out and pointed at Kokushibo.

Kokushibo snapped his head up and looked at them, each of them carrying a wooden bucket on tree opposite side of the river. The twins shared a look of shock as they could see his face now.

"Muichiro! Yuichiro!"

Suddenly their father ran up and grab his two children by their shoulders. "I told you to wait for me! You can't run off like that!" He sighed. "Daddy, daddy! Six! Six eyes!"

Their father furrowed his brows and look up in confusion, not seeing anyone there. He looked down and smiled at his sons. "There's nothing there, see? Fill up your bucket and let's go." He nudged them and dipped his bucket in the river, waiting until the twins did the same before he started walking.

The youngest waited back and looked over the river, right at the tree Kokushibo was hiding behind. "Bye bye!" He stood on his tip toes and waved, before running back to his father.

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