Chapter Three- Guilt

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Months passed, and suddenly Kokushibo was summoned by his master with Akaza along with him. Their mission was to completely destroy a nearby town that was harboring refugees from the demon slayer corps.

Kokushibo cut down the slayers and civilians with ease, but he still refrained from cutting anywhere that would cause anything but a painless death. In every child, he saw a Muichiro or Yuichiro.

If he killed them painlessly, then he wasn't disobeying. Yes, he was still loyal to Muzan. Muzan wouldn't think he was getting soft. No, he wasn't getting soft! He was still strong! Muzan must never think he'd grown weak!

Yet every stab or slash made his stomach twist and turn like it was about to leap out of his throat and choke him to death.

When they reached the final house, Akaza gestured for Kokushibo to go inside. As the six eyed demon stepped in, he heard shuffling in a wardrobe near him. He slung the door open and took several steps back when he saw what was inside. There were two young children, both beaten and bruised and shaking.

Kokushibo felt his blood turn hot, the faces of the two girls reminding him of Muichiro and Yuichiro, so little and so weak. They were a pair of an older and younger sibling, their ages ranging from only around 8 or 9 for the youngest, and a little older for the oldest.

They were to young to have those bruises, to have to have such scared looks in their eyes. "Is the person who did this... still here?" Kokushibo bent down and asks the children, concealing anger with a blank expression. They shakily nodded and pointed upstairs, where footsteps where heard.

Kokushibo nodded and stood up, letting out his anger by taking out his multi-eyed sword and bursting upstairs, tearing through doors and closets until he found a single man whom he sliced into hundreds of bloodier bits, his bloodlust fueling every blow. After he was dead and nearly the entire top half of the house was crumbling in on itself, Kokushibo went down stairs and stared at the two girls, their eyes pleading in a ways that words could never.

For the first time in decades, no, centuries, Kokushibo felt his hands shake. He was hesitating. All the while Akaza stood in the doorway, his eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. He never told Muzan about what happened with Tamayo, nor did he tell Kokushibo that he knew. This was all just so... strange.

Kokushibo stared at the children, then sheathed his sword. "Run... and forget everything that happened here..." he told them, allowing them to run past him, out the doorway, past Akaza, and into the forest.

Kokushibo stared at the spot where they disappeared into the woods for a couple of minutes, then walked passed Akaza out the rickety shack. "What the hell was that?" Akaza grabbed Kokushibo by the arm. "Killing them... was not part of the mission..." he simply replied.

Akaza let go of his arm and stepped back, his brows furrowed and his mind failing to understanding what the hell was going on. Kokushibo, as far as Akaza knew, felt, well, nothing, but not in the way Douma felt nothing. He was always so serious, never showing any signs of unprofessionalism. But now he showed someone mercy. Even if it meant defying Muzan, he still did it. Not to mention he was visited by Tamayo and did nothing about it!

Akaza sighed and walked back into the woods. 'It's none of my business.' He reminded himself. 'But... why can't I understand it?'

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