Chapter Five: Sword

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Kokushibo sighed as he rested against the large trunk of a tree by the river, the shade perfectly concealing him from the sun. As he sits in the shade, he hears twigs cracking distantly in front of him. "Oh Mui, be careful. Yui, look after Mui." "Ok."

With those words, two young boys ran along the River bed, and after only a few seconds, they saw him. "Six eye-!" "Shhh!!!" Yuichiro silenced Muichiro. "Dad will hear." Muichiro nodded and cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Hello children." Kokushibo said as they jumped at him and hugged him. "Too long!" Yuichiro pouted and pointed at him. "You haven't seen us in too long!" Ah, yes. Kokushibo haven't seen them in two weeks, and Yuichiro was already starting to hold it over him.

"I am sorry." Kokushibo replied. "I have been... busy." He wasn't lying, of course. Muzan is very demanding when it came to his subordinates. "Still, I don't like it!" Yuichiro crossed his arms. "I'll make it up to you." Kokushibo promised.

"Mmm..." Yuichiro pondered while looking at the sky. "Then... I want you to teach me how to sword fight!" Kokushibo raised a brow. "That's what you want?" Yuichiro smiled wide. "Yeah!" Kokushibo shrugged. "Very well. Bring me some bamboo and string. We start tonight." "Nice!"


"Take a stance." Kokushibo ordered. Yuichiro tried his best. "Wider. Shoulder length apart. One leg behind the other." He spouted his robotic orders that he barely remembered his teacher telling him when he was a child.

"Now come at me." Yuichiro immediately came running, blindly swinging his sword, one side step from Kokushibo and a soft hit on the top of the head make him drop his sword, which caused Muichiro to giggle. "Oww, what was that for?" He looked up at Kokushibo with big eyes.

"You didn't put any thought into your swings. You can't swing a hundred times at one target. Use only the appropriate amount of force when dealing with a single enemy." Yuichiro nodded and stood back up, taking another stance.

He rushed forward and raised his wooden blade above his head, swinging it down, feeling nothing but air as Kokushibo once again sidestepped, and hit him on the top of the head again.

Over the next hour, not much progress was made.


"This time for sure!" Yuichiro called out from across the open field, his head sore from the constant hits he had endured. With a battle cry and a quick sprint, he jumped in the air and went for the chest, only for Kokushibo to jump back from his attack and light swing down for Yuichiro's head.

"Not again!" He yelled out, barely able to push back his body so that it didn't hit his head, but instead his knee.

Which from his reaction, was worse.

He yelled and fell to the ground, keeling over why grabbing his knee. 'Oh no.' Kokushibo thought. 'I must've swung to hard. Let me see if I sprung anythi-,'

Before Kokushibo could react, perhaps because his guard was completely down, Yuichiro had hit him in the side of the neck with his sword. "Gotcha!" He jumped and gleefully exclaimed. "Yes, I suppose you did." Kokushibo cracked a smile.

"Can we go to sleep now?" Muichiro said from under the tree he had been watching from. "Yes you can. I'll take you back to your house." Kokushibo stood up and walked over to him to pick him up. "Aww." Yuichiro sighed.

Muichiro yawned and allowed Kokushibo to pick him up, then Yuichiro. When he walked them over to their home, he gently placed them through the window into their beds.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Muichiro asked. "Yes, I will." Kokushibo answered. "You promise?" Kokushibo leaned down and kissed him on the top of the head. "Of course." With that, Muichiro later down and closed his eyes.

Kokushibo closed the window and sighed, turning around the leave.

But when he did, his blood turned to ice, as a figure stood there waiting for him.

"Hello, Kokushibo. Care to take a walk with me?"

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