Chapter Two: Tamayo

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After that, Kokushibo started to hang around the Tokito residence, despite his lack of understanding why. Was it because they were his descendants?

Either way, the twins seemed to have a rather keen eye, at least when it came to spotting Kokushibo's hiding spots. Whenever they would see him while they were with their parents, they would cry out "six eyes! Six eyes!" And point to wherever he was.

For the last several months, Kokushibo would sit on a branch in a tree, and every night the boys would peek out of their windows and try to spot them, bursting out into a bundle of giggles when they would.

Each night there was a different hiding spot, and each night they would find him in just a few minutes. Eventually, it became a sort of ritual for them.

After their ritual, the boys would come running outside with big smiles on their face. "Six eyes! Six eyes!" They would chant  "Be quiet... children..." Kokushibo would put a single finger over his lips, and they would respond by cupping their hands over their mouths.

It was on one of these nights, when the twins were sitting in his lap and playing with his long black hair that the youngest of the boys pointed at his eyes. "Why six?" He asked with his usual childlike innocence.

"I do not know... they have been like that... for a long time..." he answered back. "Are you not... scared?" Kokushibo asked them. "...a little." Muichiro said. "I'm not." Yuichiro boldly replies.

Kokushibo chuckled and leaned back. 'How long has it been since I've enjoyed someone's presence?' He asked himself. 'Too long.' He decided, laying his head back on a tree trunk and closing his eyes, letting the two boys continue to babble on his lap.

"Children." Kokushibo says. "It is time for you... to go to bed." He tells them. "Aww!" They both pout. "It is... late. I will be here... tomorrow." He assured, ushering then to stand up. "Bye bye, six eyes!" Yuichiro waves goodbye.

Suddenly, Muichiro leans in and gives Kokushibo a kiss on the cheek, causing Kokushibo to... get flustered?! Kokushibo cupped his cheek as the twins ran away to their homes, each waving with their chubby hands.

Kokushibo sighed and rested his head on the tree behind him. "You know you're doomed, right?"

Kokushibo immediately drew his sword at the voice. How had someone gotten so close without hem noticing?! How was he so blind?! So unprepared?! Was his guard down?! No, it was that he knew- was certain- that no imbecile would come close to him!

Kokushibo's six eyes immediately focused on the source of that voice, where he met the eyes of a very, very old face. "Tamayo...?" He mumbled. "It's been a while... Kokushibo." She sighed.

Something in him screamed to grab her by the hair and drag her back to his master. He's was upper moon one- Muzans favorite!

"You must have a death wish... Tamayo." Kokushibo muttered. "You know.... that I must take you to... my master, correct?" She chuckled darkly. "What? Bring me to Muzan kicking and screaming?" For some reason that would feel... off putting.

"I'll admit," she mumbled, running her blood soaked fingers down the black oak wood behind her, causing purple fog to cloud his vision. "You were the last person I expected to betray Muzan." She said.

Betray Muzan? No, no, no, that would be a death sentence! And what had he done to warrant that? "Akaza was the first that came to mind. He only works for Muzan so he can get stronger." She sighed. "Gyokko and Douma practically worship him, and Hantengu is so scared of him I don't think he'll ever step out of line. I don't know much about the new upper moon six. Siblings, right? Either way, they seemed to care about each other a good bit. If push came to shove, they might betray Muzan."

"I've done nothing wrong." Kokushibo said, he spine ridged and his senses on high alert. Tamayo sighed and looked back at the wood cabin. "He'll kill them, you know." She mumbled, an expression that Kokushibo couldn't make out on her face.

What? No, no, she's lying! Muzan wouldn't he... he wouldn't... Kokushibo growled and aimed his sword at Tamayo. He would drag her back by her hair if he had to, just to prove it to Kibutsuji! He knew he was just a dog, but he would be the best dog if it means the twins stayed out of trouble.

"No, he won't." Kokushibo remained calm as veins pulsed through his forehead. Tamayo looked behind her at the wooden cottage that held the twins again, this time Kokushibo was able to decipher her emotions. It was pity. She was pitying him.

"What if he tries to?" Tamayo asked, stepping closer. "He won't!" Kokushibo growled back. "But what if he does?" She says calmly. "Will you let it happen? Will you beg on your knees for him to spare them? Will you fight him?" Kokushibo stayed silent.

"Listen," she stepped forward and unveiled a syringe from her sleeve. It was filled with a red, thick liquid that sloshed around lazily in the glass tube. "If you get in a bad situation, where you need to... be separated for a while. She placed it on the ground. "I'm giving you an escape route."

Then she disappeared. She was just gone. Kokushibo breathed in and sat back down, unaware that his heart had been beating very fast. He stared at the needle for a long time, so long that it was burned into his memory.

He swiftly picked it up and examined it, rolling it around his palm. He then slipped it into his robe and let out a breath. "Just... in case." He reminded himself.

In a distant tree, watching, a pale figure with pink hair and blue stripes had his brows furrowed, not understanding how Kokushibo of all people let Tamayo, the traitor, go. "Kokushibo..." he mumbled. "What the hell is going on?"

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