Chapter 8 - Darling, You look Perfect Tonight!

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Few days passed and once all were gossiping in the canteen when Mihir came running to them.

Shreeja: Hey, calm down. What happened?

Mihir: I have mind blowing news.

Rudra: I just heard from the seniors that this year "FOSSILS" are going to perform in the cultural fest!

Hearing this everyone looked at Abir, whose face change immediately on hearing the news.

Nilanjana: Isn't that your favorite band Abir?

Abir: Hell yes! Are you sure that they will be performing?

Mihir: I never pass wrong info dude!

Abir got excited. His happiness knew no bound. For the first time he would he attending a live concert of his favorite band. The whole day he kept talking of their music and how much they inspired him.

Few weeks passed. They all completed their examination and were promoted to the next semester. Along with this Abir and Nilanjana came closer. They started hanging out together. Sometimes had their late night phone calls. On the other hand Rudra never missed a chance to be with Shreeja, but was still afraid to confess his feelings.

Time passed and their friendship became stronger. The group of five got famous in their college. Everybody knew that they will always be found together.

It was finally time for the cultural fest of their college. The night before the function, Abir and Nilanjana were on the phone call.

Abir: I can't tell you how excited I am for tomorrow.

Nilanjana: Abir you have already told me 100 times!

He laughed.

Nilanjana: Ok listen...

Abir: Yeah

Nilanjana: Can you come to my house before leaving tomorrow?

Abir: Yeah I can come obviously...But for what?

Nilanjana: Papa said that he would drop us and I wanted to go with you, so if you can come with us...

Abir: Umm ok I'll come.

After few more hours, they cut the call and went to bed. The next afternoon, Abir got ready and left for her house.

He wore a black shirt and black pants. He took out his best watch and wore a matching pair of sneakers. He looked a perfect gentleman.

He reached Nilanjana's house and rang the doorbell. She opened. The moment Abir saw her, his heart stopped beating.

Nilanjana wore a long red gown and her hair was left open. Her earings were shining bright. She was looking gorgeous. Her beauty was killing Abir. He was mesmerized. He didn't even blink for once while staring at her. Nilanjana finally spoke which broke his imagination

Nilanjana: What?

Abir: You look stunning.

Nilanjana: (blushes) Thanks. You are looking handsome too.

Abir: Forget the fest. Let's go on a date. What do you say?

Nilanjana: Wow you really learned how to flirt!

Both of them laughed hard. Meanwhile Nilanjana's father came and dropped them to the auditorium.

Debasish: Don't be too late kids.

Both together: OK!

As they entered the gate, they saw the auditorium door was still closed and a huge crowd was waiting to enter. They met Rudra, Mihir and Shreeja. Rudra and Shreeja coincidentally wore the same colored dress. Mihir didn't spare a moment to pull Rudra's leg of that.

After few minutes the door finally opened and everyone started rushing. The group got separated there. Abir held Nilanjana's hand tightly to avoid letting her alone in the crowd.

As they entered they realized that Rudra, Mihir and Shreeja were somewhere together and they two were together. Mihir called Abir and asked him to stay where they were. They would catch up after the band's performance was over. He agreed. The show started. Abir was blown by their performance. The whole crowd was singing with the band and so was Abir. On the other hand Nilanjana was not a great fan of rock music, but was enjoying the show with Abir.

Few songs later, the band finally started to play a romantic song. The crowd stopped hooting and went quite. The all took out their phones and put the flashlight on and started swinging it on the beats. Abir didn't realize that he was still holding Nilanjana's hand tightly. She looked at him and smiled.

Nilanjana's POV:

He was unaware of the fact that I was looking at him. He was drowned in the music. Neither did he realize that he was still holding my hand nor didn't I tell him, because I didn't want him to leave it. The soft music, Spotlights and him – everything was so perfect. One secret that I should share now is – I don't like rock concert. I came here just to be with him. He was so happy. He looked at the stage just like a child looks at moon. I will never forget this day....this moment!

It was around 8:30 when the concert ended. Everyone came out. Abir and Nilanjana were standing outside waiting for the others.

Abir: Did you enjoy the show?

Nilanjana: Yeah I did.

Abir: This evening will always be special to me.

Nilanjana: Same for me.

They saw the other three coming out. They met and the boys started discussing the show. Nilanjana stood beside Shreeja.

Shreeja: Did you enjoy?

Nilanjana: Yeah and you?

Shreeja: Yeah I don't like so much of crowd. Rudra asked me to come I came.

Nilanjana passed her a look. Shreeja smiled. They all then went to a restaurant and had dinner together.

Later Mihir had to go to a relative's place so he left alone and the other booked a cab.

They dropped Rudra and Shreeja and were on their way.

Abir was checking his phone when he looked at Nilanjana. She was asleep. Her head was resting on the back seat and she was sleeping. Abir looked at her and thought that how can anyone be so beautiful? He didn't wake her up. He knew she was tired.

In no time the car reached their colony. Abir placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed a little. She woke up with a jerk.

Abir: I'm sorry to wake you up but we have reached.

Nilanjana: Oh I didn't realize when I fell asleep!

Abir: It's ok.

They got out of the cab and stood there.

Nilanjana: It was great today!

Abir: Yeah...

Nilanjana: Ok then good night. See you.

Abir: Good Night.

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